He is meanly dressed.
" Good men ever interpret themselves too meanly, " said the physician.
I found myself wondering, meanly, where she had found the money.
After meanly turning to avoid the parson we have rushed into a worse publicity.
在故转身避开牧师之后, 我们匆忙进入了更糟糕宣传。
You are abusing meanly the sentiments which I had for you but have no longer.
你在卑鄙地滥用我对你感情, 但现在已经不再了。
If you snap at someone, you say something quickly, meanly Usually it's been building up inside of you for a while.
Snap someone是快速地、气地说,通常是因为忍受了很久事情。
It began to rain, and the drops spat meanly on the windows, the sky darkening to fit my mood.
开始下雨了, 雨滴滴滴答答地滴在窗户上,天空变暗以适应我心情。
When some other little girl would behave selfishly or meanly toward her, do you think she'd come and tell me?
当别小女孩对她表现出自私或刻薄行为时, 你认为她会来告诉我吗?
I confess I have often meanly shrunk from confessing to these accomplished and acute gentlemen what my own experience has been.
Upon this, the two meanly dressed figures mocked and jeered at the much-abashed old dignitary, and pointed their fingers at the stain.
British sailors were so badly treated, so cruelly flogged for trivial causes, and so meanly fed that they fled in crowds to the American marine.
英国水手受到如此恶劣对待, 因为微不足道原因而被残酷地鞭打,而且吃得也如此可怜, 以至于他们成群结队地逃到美国海军陆战队那里。
It was a filthy, low-cloud sort of a morning, where the rain spat meanly against the windows and it was hard to imagine the sun coming out ever again.
那是一个脏兮兮、低云早晨,雨滴打在窗户上, 很难象太阳会再次出来。
She had no business to be so friendly to a young man of whom their brother thought so meanly, and Mrs. Almond was surprised at her levity in foisting a most deplorable engagement upon Catherine.