He carved marble faster than any mason.
The mason was chipping away at the rock with a hammer.
Graham grunted and heaved as he helped the masons fit a huge slab of stone into place.
The mason flushed the joint with mortar.
As agreed, no other people were helping the mason.
Some spiders are masons. These build houses, the size of a big thimble.
His name is Ouseman, and he's a master mason in Djenne, an ancient city made entirely of river mud.
Where did the masons go? Imperial Rome Is full of arcs of triumph.
工们又要去向何方帝国罗马 笑尽凯旋 那是谁的心血。
One assessment found that 50% of leafcutter bees and 27% of mason bees are considered at risk.
一项评发现,50% 的切叶蜂和 27% 的石蜂被认为处于危险之中。
The mason tried to catch him, but the mare ran deep into the woods and Svadilfari followed.
泥试图抓住他,但是母马深入树林中,Svadilfari 也紧随其后。
If I didn't paint, I don't know what I would do, I can't be a carpenter, I can't be a mason.
The gods sealed the deal with solemn oaths and swore the mason would come to no harm in Asgard.
Masons cut and dressed stone while other workers operate a human-sized hamster wheel to lift a load of stones.
And he drove the masons away, and went to law.
他把泥赶走了, 走上了法律之路。
He had a family living there, and was a mason by trade.
Her father, who was a mason, was killed by falling from a scaffolding.
她的父亲是一名石, 从脚手架上坠落身亡。
" Silence" ! cried the mason; " silence, for the love of God, or I shall lose my reason" !
We can spare four masons for a week, My Lord.
我们可以省出四位泥借你一周 大人。
33.Was it the master architect? The mason? An assistant mason?
Man, I got a nephew mason. Now that's a baby.
伙计 你得看看我的侄Mason 他才算超级宝宝。
I said to him: " Are you crying for the little mason? He has spoken; he will recover" .
" Where's Mason? " Pa asked as he scanned the kitchen.
So in these different jars ... These are usually called mason jars.
所以在这些不同的罐里… … 这些通常被称为梅森罐。