" I don't know what a magnum opus (masterpiece) is, " said Wilbur.
" 我不懂Magnum opus 是什么意思," 威伯说。
In upward herniation, there's a displacement of the cerebellum upward, through a notch in the tentorium cerebelli, while in tonsillar herniation, parts of the cerebellum slip down through an opening in the skull called the foramen magnum.
Number Theory Gauss's love affair with number theory commenced with his magnum opus, " Disquisitiones Arithmeticae" , published in 1801. In this seminal work, he established a systematic foundation for number theory and introduced important concepts such as congruence of numbers.
数论 高斯对数论的热爱始于他 1801 年版的巨著《算术研究》。在这部开创性的著