Finally we have frozen jellied turkey vegetable salad.
And to start, a dish called suit, which is jellied pigs trotters.
They're like the Rolls Royce of the jellied eels.
The catch is it's just made of jellied eel.
So you just read something like jellied handful or something.
In those days, it was no brainer: Everybody ate jellied eels.
- 在那些日子里,这很简单:每个人都吃鳗鱼冻。
(quirky music) So, we’ve got this giant giggly bowl of jellied eels (animated piano music) from this guy.
If you love your pet that much and don't mind eating jellied meat, then you could earn up to $30,000 a year.
如果你如此爱你的宠物且不介意吃果冻肉,那么你每年可以赚入高达到 30,000 美元。
At these lunches, people have been tucking into some Great British food - pies, roasts, fish and chips, cream teas... even jellied eels.
午餐中,人们开怀大吃,尽情享用馅饼、烤肉、炸鱼和土豆片、英式奶茶和松饼… … 甚至鳗鱼冻等各类英国美食。
Jellied eels and stewed eels are very traditional with pie, mash, and liquor in the East End of London.
- 鳗鱼冻和炖鳗鱼在伦敦东区非常传统,搭配馅饼、土豆泥和酒。
" I will feed her jellied dog brains, and a fine rich stew of red octopus and unborn puppy" . He wiped his lips.
" 我请她吃狗脑冻、炖红章鱼浓汤和狗胎。" 他擦擦嘴唇。
Personally, I've never eaten this in my life, but if you want to, you know, really get the authentic British experience, then jellied eels is for you.
就我个人而言, 我这辈子从来没有吃过这个,但是如果你想, 你知道,真正获得真正的英国体验, 那么鳗鱼冻就是你的最佳选择。
Deeds had provided pink and shining slices of jellied veal (" Do you really want it as thick as that, Miss Erica" ? ) but he had not been able to supply a brand of chocolates with raisins in it.
Deeds 提供了粉红色闪亮的小牛肉冻片(“埃里卡小姐, 你真的想要那么厚吗?” )但他没能提供一种含有葡萄干的巧克力品牌。