| 划词

The company plans to run trains on key intercity routes.



The government is promising a major overhaul that will include 600 new luxury or semiluxury intercity buses, 10,000 new minibuses and 60 new trains.But Mr.




offence, offenceful, offend, offended, offendedly, offender, offending, offense, offenseful, offenseless, offensive, offensively, offer, offer price, offeree, offerer, offering, offeror, offers, offertory, offgrade, offhand, off-hand, offhanded, offhandedly, off-hire, offhook, offhooking, off-hour, office, office block, office boy, office building, office furniture, office staff, office-bearer, office-block, office-free, officeholder, officeoverhead, officer, officers, offices, official, official document, official language, officialchannel, officialdom, officialese, officialis, officialism, officialize, officially, officiant, officiary, officiate, officina, officinal, officious, officiously, offing, offish, off-island, off-key, offlap, offlet, off-licence, off-limits, offline, off-line, offload, off-load, off-market, offof, off-peak, off-piste, offprint, offput, off-putting, offramp, offscouring, offscourings, offscreen, off-screen, off-season, offset, offset lithography, offset printing, offsets, offsetting, offshoot, offshore, offshore rig, offside, offsite, offskip, offspeed, offspring, offstage, off-stage, off-state, off-street, offtake, off-the-cuff, off-the-peg, off-the-record, off-the-shelf, off-the-wall, off-time, offtrack, off-track, offward, offware, offwhite, off-white, offwith, OFHC, OFI, OFM, oft, often, oftentimes, oftimes, ofttimes, oft-times, ofuro, OG, ogaden, ogam, Ogasawara, Ogasa-wara-gunto, Ogbomosho, OGCS, Ogden, ogdoad, ogee, ogee arch, ogham, OGIP, ogival, ogive, Oglala, ogle, Oglethorpe, OGO, Ogopogo, OGPU, ogre, ogreish, ogres, ogress, ogrish, OGRL, OGRS, OGSA, OGT, OGTC, OGTT, Ogygia, Ogygian, oh, Oh., OHC, oh-dee, ohia, Ohio, Ohio River, Ohio State University, Ohioan, ohm, ohmage, ohmal, Ohmax, ohmer, ohmic, ohmic resistance, ohmmeter, OHMS, oho, ohone, OHP, OHS, OHSMS, OHSS, OHV, oi, OICQ, oidiophore, oidium, oik, oikesis, oil, oil burner, oil field, oil filter, oil gland, oil heater, oil industry, oil of turpentine, oil of vitriol, oil paint, oil painter, oil painting, oil pipeline, oil pressure, oil production, oil refinery, oil refining, oil shale, oil slick, oil stain, oil stone, oil tanker, oilateer, oil-bearing, oilberg, oilbird, oilcake, oilcan, oilchannel, oilcloth, oil-color, oilcolours, oilcup, oildag, oil-dry, oiled, oiler, oilers, oilery, oilfield, oil-fired, oilhole, oilily, oiliness, oiling, oilless, oillet, oilman, oil-paint., oilpaper, oilquenching, oil-rich, oilrig, oils, oilseed, oilseeds, oil-silk, oilskin, oil-spring, oilstone, oilstove, oiltight, oily, oink, oinochoe, ointment, oireachtas, OIRT, OIS, OIT, Oita, oiticica, OIWC, OJ, OJI, ojibwa, ojibway, Ojos del Salado, OJT, Ok, oka, okaite, Okami, okapi, okay, OKAYA, Okayama, Okazaki, oke, Okefenokee Swamp, okeh, okenite, Oker, okey, okeydoke, okey-doke, Okhotsk, OKI, Okie, okies, Okinawa, Okka, OKLA., Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, Oklahoman, OKN, okolehao, Okoume, okra, okro, OKS, oktastylos, Okuda Miwako, Okuda Tamio, Okui Masami, Okwap, OL, Olaf, OLAM, Oland, OLAP, olation, OLAY, OLB, OLC, old, Old Bailey, old country, Old Delhi, Old Dominion, Old English, old english sheepdog, old faithful, old folk, Old French, Old Glory, old guard, Old High German, Old Irish, Old Italian, Old Line State, old master, Old Norse, Old North French, Old Saxon, old school, old school tie, Old South, old style, Old Testament, old timer, old woman, old world, oldbie, Oldcastle, old-clothesman, olden, older, oldfangled, old-fashioned, old-fogey, old-fogeyish, old-fogy, Oldham, oldie, oldies, oldish, old-line, old-maidish, oldness, Oldowan, OldRecipient, olds, old-stager, oldster, old-style, old-time, old-timer, old-timey, old-timy, oldwife, oldwomanish, old-womanish, old-world, oldy, OLE, olé, olea, Oleaceae, oleaceous, oleaginous, oleanane, oleander, oleandomycin, oleanol, olease, oleaster, oleate, olecranon, OLED, olefiant, oleficin, olefin, olefination, olefine, olefinic, olefins, oleic, oleic acid, oleiferous, olein, olent, oleo, oleo-, oleocreosote, oleocystidium, oleodistearin, oleogel, oleograph, oleomargarin, oleomargarine, oleometer, oleophilic, oleophobic, oleoplast, oleoptene, oleoresin, oleosome, oleostearin, oleosterol, oleostrut, oleoyl, oleraceous, olericulture, oleum, oleuropeen, oleuropein, o-level, olfaction, olfactism, olfactive, olfactology, olfactometer, olfactometry, olfactory, olfactory bulb, olfactory nerve, olfactorythreshold, olfactronics, OLG, Olga, olibanoresin, olibanum, olid, olifant, oligaemia, oligarch, oligarchic, oligarchical, oligarchy, oligemia, oligidic, oligo-, oligocarpous, Oligocene, oligochaete, oligochrome, oligoclase, oligodendroblast, oligodendrocyte, Oligodendrocytus, oligodendroglia, oligodendroglioma, oligo-diapause, oligodontia, oligodynamic, oligogene, oligohydramnios, oligomenorrhea, oligomer, oligomerization, oligomycin, oligonucleotide, oligopeptide, oligophage, oligophagous, oligophagy, oligophrenia, oligoplasmatic, oligopolist, oligopoly, oligopsonist, oligopsony, oligosaccharide, oligosaprobe, oligosaprobic, oligose, oligospermatism, oligospermia, oligotrophic, oligotrophication, oligotrophy, oliguresis, oliguria, olim, Olimbos, olingo, olio, oliphant, olistomerism, oliva, olivaceous, olivary, olive, olive branch, olive brown, olive drab, olive green, olive oil, Olive Tree, olive-branch, olive-drab, olivenite, Oliver, Oliver Cromwell, Oliver Stone, olives, olivet, olivetree, Olivetti, olivewood, Olivia, Olivier, olivil, olivine, olivomycin, olla, olla-podrida, Ollie, olm, olmec, ology, ololiuqui, olophonia, oloroso, olothorb, OLS, OLT, OLTEP, OLTP, oltremare, Olunchun, Olympia, Olympiad, Olympian, Olympic, Olympic Games, Olympic National Park, Olympics, Olympus, olynthus, OM, OMA, omadhaun, Omagh, omah, Omaha, omalgia, Omaloptera, Oman, Omani, Omanis, Omar, Omar Khayyam, omasum, OMB, omber, ombre, ombré, ombrology, ombrometer, ombrophobe, ombrophyte, ombudsman, ombudswoman, OMC, Omdurman, omega, omega-consistency, omega-stability, omegatron, omelet, omelette, omen, omens, omenta, omental, omentoureteroplasty, omentum, omer, omerta, omethoate, OMG, OMI, Omia, omicron, omigod, ominous, ominously, omissible, omission, omissive, omit, omitis, omittance, omitted, ommateum, ommatidium, ommatophore, ommochrome, omneity, omni-, omnibearing, omnibus, omnicompetent, omnidirectional, omnidirectional antenna, omnidistance, omnifaceted, omnifarious, omnific, omnificent, omnifocal, omnifont, omniforce, omniform, omnigraph, omnimane, omnimate, omniparity, omniphibious, omnipotence, omnipotent, omnipresence, omnipresent, omnirange, omniscience, omniscient, omnisex, omnisexual, omnitenna, omnitron, omnitude, omnium, omnium-gatherum, omnivora, omnivore, omnivorous, omnivorously, omnivory, omodynia, omohyoid, omophagia, omophagy, omoplate, OMP, omphacite, Omphale, omphali, Omphalia, omphalitis, omphalocele, omphaloidean, omphalos, omphaloschisis, omphaloskepsis, omphalotomy, OMR, OMRE, Omron, OMS, Omsk, OMT, Omuda, Omuta, on, on-, on a daily basis, on a farm, on a large scale, on a regular basis, on a small scale, on account of, on account to, on all fours, on an equal base with, on an even keel, on and off, on and on, on approval, on average, on behalf of, on board, on business, on camera, on condition that, on credit, on diet, on display, on duty, on earth, on end, on file, on fire, on foot, on guard, on guard against, on hand, on hard times, on line control, on line system, on no account, on occasion, on occasions, on pain of death, on purpose, on request, on sale, on schedule, on second thoughts, on show, on the air, on the alert, on the analogy of, on the average, on the basis of, on the battlefield, on the bottom, on the button, on the contrary, on the dot, on the earth, on the face of it, on the fence, on the fly, on the go, on the grounds of, on the heavy side, on the hook, on the job, on the line, on the loose, on the nose, on the one hand, on the other hand, on the other side, on the outs, on the part of, on the point of, on the quiet, on the road, on the rocks, on the scene, on the side, on the sidelines, on the sly, on the spot, on the strength of, on the table, on the urban scene, on the way, on the whole, on the wing, on their way, on this ground, on time, on top of, on top of the world, on trust, on various occasions, on watch, onager, onagraceous, on-air, onanism, onboard, ONC, oncarrier, once, once a week, once again, once and for all, once for all, once in a while, once more, once upon a time, once-over, oncer, on-chip, onchocerciasis, onchocercosis, oncidium, oncocyte, oncogene, oncogenesis, oncogenic, oncogenicity, oncogenous, oncograph, oncologist, oncology, oncolysis, oncoma, oncometer, oncometry, oncoming, oncomiracidium, oncornavirus, oncosis, oncosphere, oncost, oncostatin, oncostman, oncotic, oncotomy, oncovirus, oncredit, OND, onding, ondograph, ondometer, ondoscope, ondulation, ondule, one, one after another, one and only, one another, one by one, one day, one more thing, one of these days, one piece, one’s, one-acter, one-address, one-bagger, one-bit, one-celled, one-click, one-eyed, oneffect, onefold, one-handed, one-horse, Oneida, one-ideaed, oneiric, oneirocritic, oneirocritical, oneirology, oneiromancy, onekick, one-liner, one-man, onemeter, onend, oneness, oneocyte, one-off, one-one, one-pair, oneparty, one-piece, oner, onerous, one-seater, oneself, one-shot, one-sided, one-star, one-step, one-stop, onetime, one-time, one-to-many, one-to-one, one-touch, onetrack, one-track, one-under, one-up, oneupmanship, one-upmanship, one-way, ONF, onfall, onflow, onfocus, ongoing, on-hook, ONI, oniomania, onion, oniondome, oniongrass, onions, onionskin, oniony, onium, onlap, onlay, onlend, on-lending, onlent, on-licence, onliest, on-limits, online, on-line, onliness, onload, onlooker, onlooking, only, only-element-of-chain, only-in-chain, ONO, onocentaurs, onocol, on-off, onomancy, onomasiology, onomastic, onomasticon, onomastics, onomatolalia, onomatology, onomatopoeia, onomatopoeic, onomatopoesis, onomatopoetic, Onondaga, onozote, ONR, onramp, onroll, onrush, onrushing, onscreen, on-screen, onset, onsetter, onshore, onside, onslaught, onspeed, onstage, on-stage, onstream, on-street, onsweep, ONT., Ontarian, Ontario, onthe, on-the-job, on-the-spot, ontic, onto, onto-, ontoanalysis, ontocline, ontogenesis, ontogenetic, ontogenic, ontogenist, ontogeny, ontogenyimmunology, ontologic, ontological, ontologist, ontologize, ontology, onus, on-vehicle, onward, onwards, onychauxis, onychia, onychoatrophy, onychoclasis, onychogryphosis, onycholysis, onychoma, onychomadesis, onychomycosis, onychophagia, onychophoran, onychorrhexis, onychoschizia, onym, onymous, onyx, onyx marble, onyxis, OO, oo-, OOA, OOAA, ooapogamy, OOB, ooblast, OOC, oocenter, OOCL, oocyan, oocyst, oocysts, oocyte, oocytin, OOD, OODB, OODBS, oodiniosis, oodles, OODM, ooduct, ooecium, ooepore, oof, oofy, oogamete, oogamous, oogamy, oogenesis, oogenotop, oogonium, ooh, ooid, OOIP, ookinesis, ookinete, OOL, oolachan, oolemma, oolite, oolith, oolitic, oology, oolong, oom, oometer, oomiac, oomiak, oomicrite, oomingmack, oomold, oompah, oomph, oomycetes, Oomycota, Oona, oont, oop, oopellet, oophagous, oophagy, oophore, oophorectomize, oophorectomy, oophoritis, oophyte, ooplasm, ooplast, OOPM, oopod, ooporphyrin, oops, oops-a-daisy, OOS, oose, oosome, oosorption, oosparite, oosperm, oosphere, oospore, oosporein, oostegite, oostegopod, Oostende, ootheca, oothecin, ootid, ootype, ooze, oozie, oozooid, oozy, OP, op-, OPA, opacification, opacifiedglass, opacifier, opacify, opacifying, opacimeter, opacite, opacity, opacus, opah, opal, opal glass, opalesce, opalescence, opalescent, opalescin, opalesque, opaline, opalisin, opalite, opalize, opals, opalwax, OPAMP, opaque, opaquely, opaquer, opaques, opart, OPC, opcode, OPD, OPDAR, ope, OPEC, opecode, op-ed, open, open account, open an account, open circuit, open court, open door, open ended, open fire, open fracture, open house, open interval, open letter, open order, open plan, open sandwich, open secret, open sesame, open shop, open source, Open University, open up, openable, open-air, open-and-shut, open-armed, open-book, opencast, opencut, OpenDoc, open-door, open-eared, open-end, open-ended, opener, open-eyed, open-faced, OpenGL, openhanded, open-handed, openhearted, open-hearted, open-hearth, opening, opening night, openings, openly, open-minded, openmouthed, open-mouthed, openness, open-plan, open-platform, open-reel, open-shelf, opensubmanifold, opensyllable, opentown, openwork, OPEP, opera, opera glasses, opera house, operability, operable, operagoer, operameter, operand, operandi, operands, operant, operant conditioning, operate, operate on, operated, operated-slowly, operates, operatic, operatics, operating, operating budget, operating capital, operating cost, operating expense, operating instructions, operating procedure, operating room, operating statement, operating system, operating table, operatingperformance, operating-table, operation, operation code, operational, operational mine, operationalism, operationalist, operationalize, operations research, operatise, operative, operatize, operator, operatortopology, opercle, opercula, opercular, operculate, operculated, operculiform, operculum, operetta, operette, opern, opero, operon, operose, opesiule, opesium, OPFOR, OPGW, OPH, Ophelia, Ophicalcitum, ophicleide, ophicone, ophidian, ophidiarium, ophidism, ophiobollin, ophiolater, ophiolatry, ophiolite, ophiology, ophiophagous, Ophir, ophirhabd, ophite, ophitic, ophitron, Ophiuchus, ophiuran, ophiuride, ophiuroid, ophiuroids, ophryon, ophthalmalgia, ophthalmia, ophthalmia neonatorum, ophthalmiatrics, ophthalmic, ophthalmitis, ophthalmodynamometer, ophthalmodynamometry, ophthalmoleukoscope, ophthalmological, ophthalmologist, ophthalmology, ophthalmomelanosis, ophthalmometalloscope, ophthalmometalloscopy, ophthalmometer, ophthalmoplasty, ophthalmoplegia, ophthalmoscope, ophthalmoscope,Oph, ophthalmoscopy, ophthalmosyringe, ophthalmotomy, ophthalmotrope, ophthalmoxerosis, ophthotoxicology, opiate, opiates, opiatic, opine, opines, opiniative, opinion, opinion poll, opinionated, opinionative, opinioned, opinionist, opinions, opioid, opiology, opiomania, opiomaniac, opiophagy, opisometer, opisthaptor, opisthe, opisthenar, opisthion, opisthobranch, opisthodomos, opisthognathism, opisthognathous, opisthognathoustype, opisthograph, opisthomastigote, opisthonephros, opisthonotum, opisthorchiasis, opisthotic, opisthotica, opisthotonus, opium, opium den, opium poppy, opiumism, opiumize, OPL, OPLE, OPLR, OPM, OPO, opodeldoc, opoka, opopanax, opophilus, Oporto, opossum, opotherapy, OPP, opp., oppanol, Oppenheim, Oppenheimer, oppidan, oppilate, opponency, opponens, opponensplasty, opponent, opportune, opportunism, opportunist, opportunistic, opportunistic infection, opportunity, opportunity cost, opporunity, opposability, opposable, oppose, opposed, opposeless, opposer, opposing, opposite, opposite number, oppositely, oppositetransition, opposition, oppositional, oppositionist, oppositive, oppress, oppressed, oppression, oppressive, oppressively, oppressor, opprobrious, opprobrium, oppugn, oppugnant, oppugner, O-press, opressive, OPS, OPS., opsearch, OPSI, opsimath, opsimathy, opsin, opsisform, opsiuria, opsoclonus, opsogen, opsone, opsonic, opsonification, opsonin, opsonize, opsonoid, opster, opt, OPTAA, optacon, optant, OPTAR, optate, optative, optic, optic axis, optic cup, optic disc, optic disk, optic nerve, optical, optical bench, optical device, optical disk, optical fiber, optical fibre, optical glass, optical illusion, optical instrument, optical maser, optical pyrometer, optically, opticaltransition, opticaltriangulation, opticator, optician, opticianry, opticist, opticity, optico-arachnoiditis, opticon, optics, optidress, optima, optimal, optimality, optimaltrajectory, optimat, optimatic, optime, optimeter, optimetertube, optiminimeter, optimise, optimism, optimist, optimistic, optimistical, optimistically, optimization, optimize, optimizing control, optimum, optimumtrajectory, option, optional, optionally, optionee, options, optiphone, optoacoustic, optochin, optoelectronic, optoelectronics, optogram, optoisolator, opto-isolator, optokinesis, optokinetic, optomagnetic, optometer, optometrist, optometry, optophone, optotransistor, optotype, OPTRAC, optron, optronics, opulence, opulent, opulently, opuntia, opus, opuscula, opuscule, opusculum, OPV, opword, oquassa, or, or circuit, or else, or rather, or so, or whatever, Ora, oraceratubae, oraceroris, orach, orache, oracle, oraconaris, oracular, oracy, orad, oral, oral cavity, oral communication, oral contraceptive, oral exam, oral examination, oral stage, orale, orality, oral-lateral, orally, oraltoxicity, Oran, orang, orange, orange brown, Orange Free State, orange juice, orange peel,


3G, 401(K), a,


CRI在线 2020年9月合集

Track-laying for the Beijing-Xiong'an intercity railway has been completed.



It's pretty bad, and can be a bit expensive and also the intercity trains can be quite expensive.


CNN 10 学生英语 2023年3月合集

VoloCity is designed for single passenger intercity transit with define roots, like from the airport to a hub in a city center.


国土安全 第5季

When's the next intercity to Copenhagen?



That's why for starters China's pouring money into infrastructure building an intercity bullet train line connecting Beijing-Xiong'an in the capital city's future new airport in southern Beijing.




orebearing, orebody, orecarrier, orecrusher, orectic, oredressing, orefield, Oreg., oregano, Oregon,


3G, 401(K), a,
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