| 划词

Modal verbs generally take the bare infinitive.

动词通常不带to 的不



jacobine, Jacobinical, Jacobinism, Jacobinize, Jacobite, Jacobs, Jacobsen, jacobsite, jacobus, jacodine, jacoline, jaconet, jacozine, jacqmar, jacquard, jacquard loom, Jacqueline, Jacqueminot, jacquerie, Jacques, Jacques Derrida, Jacquette, jacquillenin, jactance, jactancy, jactation, jactitation, jactitator, jacu, jaculate, Jaculation, jaculatory, jacupirangite, jacutinga, Jacuzzi, jad, jadder, jade, jade green, jade stone, jaded, jade-green, jadeit, jadeite, jadeite-diopside, jadeitite, jadeolite, jadestone, jade-stone, jadeware, jadish, jadishly, jadishness, jadite, Jadotville, j'adoube, jady, jaeger, Jael, JAERI, JAF, jaff, Jaffa, jaffaite, jaffers, Jaffna, jag, jaganath, Jagannath, Jagatai, JAGD, jager, jagged, jaggedly, jagger, jaggery, jaggies, jagging, jaggy, jago, jags, jagt, jaguar, jaguarondi, Jaguars, jaguarundi, jaguey, Jah, Jahangir, jai, jaialai, jail, jailbait, jailbird, jailbreak, jailed, jailer, jaileress, jailhouse, jail-house, jailor, Jain, Jaina, Jainism, Jaipur, jaipurite, jak, Jakarta, jake, Jaken, jakes, JAKET, Jakobit, JAL, Jalalabad, jalan, jalap, jalapeno, jalapin, jalapoid, Jalisco, jallopy, jalopy, jalor, jalousie, jalousies, jalpaite, Jalten, jam, jam session, jama, Jamaica, Jamaica shorts, Jamaican, Jamaican dollar, jamaicin, jamaicine, jamb, jambalaya, jambe, jambeau, jamberry, Jambi, jambiya, jambo, jamboree, jambosine, jambs, jambstone, jambul, jambulol, James, James Bay, James Bond, James Buchanan, James Dean, James Joyce, James Madison, James Monroe, James River, Jamesian, Jameson, jamesonite, Jamestown, jamestownweed, jami, Jamie, Jamin, jam-jar, jammer, jammies, jamming, Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, jammy, jam-pack, jam-packed, jampan, jampot, jamproof, jamrosade, jams, Jamshedpur, Jamshid, jam-up, Jan, Jan., jandagum, Jane, Jane Austen, Jane Fonda, Jane Goodall, janeckeite, Janeiro, Janeite, Janes, JANET, Janey, janfu, jangar, jangle, jangler, jangly, Janice, janiceps, janiemycin, janiform, janis, janissary, janitor, janitorial, janitress, janitrix, Janizary, jank, janker, JANMB, Janney, jannock, janny, Jansen, Jansenism, Jansenist, Jansenistic, jansky, janthinellin, janthinite, janty, January, Janus, janus-faced, jap, Japan, Japan cedar, Japan current, Japandrier, Japanese, Japanese beetle, Japanese cedar, Japanese ivy, Japanese maple, Japanese persimmon, Japanese quince, Japaneseanemone, Japanesque, japanilure, japanimation, Japanism, japanite, Japanization, Japanize, japanned, japanner, japanning, Japannish, Japano-, Japanolatry, Japanologist, Japanology, Japanophile, Japanophobe, Japanophobia, Japanplas, japara, japbenzaconine, jape, japee, japer, japergonsi, Japheth, Japhetic, JAPIB, Japidemic, japilline, Japlish, japonais, Japonaiseries, Japonic, japonica, Japonism, Japura, Jaques, jar, jarana, jararaca, jarbird, jarbot, Jardine Matheson, jardinie&2&re, jardiniere, jardinière, Jared, Jaredite, jarful, jargon, jargonaphasia, jargonaut, jargonel, jargonelle, jargonia, jargonise, jargonization, jargonize, jargoon, jarhead, jarl, jarless, jarlite, Jarod, jaroschite, jarosite, jarovization, jarovize, jarp, jar-proof, jarrah, jarring, jarvey, Jarvis, JAS, JAS39, jasey, jasmal, jasmin, jasminal, jasmine, jasminine, jasminolene, Jasminum, jasmonate, jasmone, jasmonoid, Jason, jaspachate, jaspagate, jaspe, jaspé, jasper, jasperiod, jasperite, jasperoid, Jaspers, jasperware, jaspery, jaspilite, jaspis, jaspoid, jaspure, Jassa, jassid, jassids, Jassy, Jat, Jataka, Jatakas, jatamansi, jatamansone, jateorhizine, jateorrhizine, jatex, jatha, jato, Jatropha, jatrophine, jauk, jaulingite, jaunce, jaundice, jaundiced, jaunt, jauntily, jauntiness, jaunty, jaup, Java, JavaBean, JAVAC, javaite, Javan, Javanese, javanicin, Javari, JavaScript, JavaStation, javel water, javelin, javelina, javelle, javellization, javenine, jaw, jaw breaker, jaw muscle, Jawaharlal Nehru, jawan, jawbone, jawboning, jawbreaker, jaw-breaker, jawed, jawfall, jawfish, jawing, jaw-jaw, jawlike, jawline, jawp, jaws, jaw's-harp, jaw-thrust, jaxartinine, jay, Jayapura, jaybird, jaycee, jaygee, jayhawk, jayhawker, jayhawking, Jaykaylon, Jayne, jaype, jaypie, jayrator, jays, jayteal, jayvee, jaywalk, jay-walk, jaywalker, jaywalking, jazz, jazz band, Jazz Festival, jazzerati, jazzercise, jazzetry, jazzily, jazziness, jazzist, jazzman, jazzophile, jazz-rock, jazzy, JB, J-bar, JBIG, JBS, JCB, JCC, J-chain, JCL, JCN, JCP, JCR, JCS, jct., JCVA, JD, JDAM, JDB, JDBC, JDC, JDI, Jdisplay, JDK, jdl, JDO, jds, JDSU, JDT, Je, je ne sais quoi, jealous, jealously, jealousness, jealousy, jean, Jean Cocteau, Jean Piaget, Jean Sibelius, jeaned, jeanette, Jeanine, Jeanne, jeannet, Jeannette, jeans, jeanswear, jebel, JEC, JECC, jecolein, jecoral, jecorin, jecorize, jeculhlaupe, JED, Jedda, Jeddah, JEDEC, Jedediah, jedim, jee, jeep, jeepable, jeeper, jeepers, jeepload, jeepney, jeepneys, jeer, jeerer, jeering, jeeringly, jeers, Jeeves, jeez, jefe, Jeff, jefferisite, Jeffers, Jefferson, Jefferson City, Jeffersonian, Jeffersonianism, jeffersonite, Jeffery, Jeffrey, jehad, Jehangir, jeheemy, Jehoshaphat, Jehovah, Jehovic, Jehovist, jehu, JEIDA, JEIPAC, jejun-, jejunal, jejune, jejunectomy, jejunely, jejuneness, jejunitas, jejunitis, jejuno-, jejunocecostomy, jejunocolostomy, jejunoileitis, jejuno-ileostomy, jejunoileum, jejunojejunostomy, jejunorrhaphy, jejunostomy, jejunotomy, jejunum, Jekyll, Jekyll and Hyde, jel, jelab, jell, jellaba, jellabah, jellet, jelletite, jellied, jellies, Jellif, jellification, jellify, jelling, jellium, jello, jell-o, jellose, jelly, jelly bean, jelly fish, jelly-bag, jellybean, jellyfish, jellyfishing, jellygraph, jellyprint, jelutong, JEM, jemadar, jemchuznikovite, JEMIA, Jemima, jemimas, jemmy, JEMS, Jena, jenappe, Jenas, jenite, jenkin, Jenkins, jenkinsite, Jenner, jennerization, jennerize, jennet, Jennie, Jennifer, Jennings, jenny, jenny ass, jenny wren, jenny-wren, Jenolite, Jensen, Jensenism, jentschite, jeon, jeopard, jeopardise, jeopardize, jeopardous, jeopardously, jeopardousness, jeopardy, Jephthah, JEPIA, jequiritin, jequirity, jequitiba, Jer., jerbil, jerboa, jereed, jeremejevite, jeremejewite, jeremiad, Jeremiah, Jeremias, Jeremy, Jeremy Bentham, Jerez, Jerez de la Frontera, jerfalcon, Jericho, jerid, jerk, jerker, jerkily, jerkin, jerkiness, jerking, jerkinhead, jerkmeter, jerks, jerkwater, jerky, jeroboam, Jerome, jerque, jerquer, jerreed, jerrican, jerry, jerry building, Jerry Lee Lewis, jerry-build, jerrybuilder, jerry-builder, jerry-building, jerry-built, jerrycan, jerrymander, jersey, Jersey City, jerseys, Jerusalem, Jerusalem artichoke, Jerusalem cherry, Jerusalemite, jervine, Jervis, JES, Jes., jesaconitine, Jeson, Jespersen, jess, jessamin, jessamine, Jesse, Jesse Jackson, jesselton, JESSI, Jessica, Jessie, Jessy, jest, jestbook, jester, jestful, jesting, jestingly, Jesu, Jesuit, Jesuitic, jesuitical, Jesuitically, Jesuitism, Jesuitize, jesuitry, Jesuits, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Jesya, jet, jet aeroplane, jet aircraft, jet engine, jet plane, jet propulsion, jet stream, jetabout, Jetal, jetavator, jetbead, jet-black, jetboat, jetborne, jet-clean, jetcrete, jet-drive, jete, jetereting, jetevator, jetevon, jetfoil, jet-form, Jeth, Jethuri, jetlag, jetliner, jetmizer, jetocopter, jetometer, jet-O-Mizer, jeton, jetpack, jetport, jet-prop, jetpropelled, jet-propelled, jet-propeller, JETRO, Jetrodollars, jet-rotor, jetsam, jet-ski, Jetspun, Jetta, jetteau, jetted, jetter, jettey, jettie, jetting, jettison, jettisonable, jettisoning, jetton, jettron, jetty, jetware, jetway, jeu, jeunesse, jeux, Jevons, jevreinovite, Jew, Jewbaiter, Jew-baiting, jewbush, Jew-dom, jewel, jeweled, jeweler, jewelery, jewelfish, jewell, jewelled, jeweller, jewellery, jewellike, jewel-like, jewelling, jewelly, jewelry, jewelry store, jewels, jewelweed, Jewess, Jewett, jewfish, Jewish, Jewish calendar, Jewry, Jews, Jew's-ear, Jew's-harp, jewstone, jeypoorite, jezail, Jezebel, jezekite, j-factor, JFET, JFIF, JFK, jg, JGA, JH, jhala, JHVH, JIAC, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, jiao, jib, jibaro, jibb, jibba, jibbah, jibber, jibboom, jib-boom, jibcrane, jibe, jibe with, jib-headed, jibi, jib-in, jiblength, jibstay, JIC, jicama, JICST, Jidda, Jiessie, jiff, jiffy, jig, jigaboo, jig-adjusted, jig-borer, jig-boring, jigged-bed, jigger, jiggered, jiggering, jiggers, jiggery-pokery, jigging, jiggle, jiggly, Jigoku Shoujo, jigotai, jigs, jigsaw, jigsaw puzzle, jigsaw puzzle, jigtank, jihad, jildi, Jilin, jill, jillaroo, jilleroo, jillet, Jillian, jillion, Jilly, Jilolo, Jilong, jilson, jilt, jilted, jiltee, Jim, Jimai, jimberjawed, jim-crow, jim-dandy, Jimenez, jiminy, jimjams, jim-jams, jimmy, Jimmy Carter, Jimny, jimp, jimping, jimply, jimpness, JIMS, jimsonweed, jimswinger, jin, Jinan, Jindyworobak, Jingbailao, jingbang, jinggangmycin, Jinggu, jingle, jingled, jinglejangle, jingler, jingles, jinglet, jingling, jingly, Jingmen, jingo, jingoish, jingoism, jingoist, jingoistic, jingoistically, jiningite, jink, jinker, Jinmen, jinn, jinnee, jinni, jinnier, Jinningian, jinns, jinny, JINR, jinricksha, jinrickshaw, jinrick-shaw, jinrikisha, jinriksha, JINS, jinshajiangite, J-integral, jinx, jinxed, JIOA, jipijapa, Jiquan, jird, jirga, JIS, JISC, jism, jissom, JisuFormation, JIT, jitney, jitter, jitterbug, jitteriness, jitters, jittery, jiujitsu, jiu-jitsu, jiujutsu, Jiulong, Jivaro, jive, jixianite, jizz, JJ, JKT, jm, JMB, JMM, JMP, JMS, JNB, JND, Jno., JNR, Jo, Joab, Joachim, joad, Joan, Joan of Arc, Joann, Joanna, Joanne, joannes, joaquinite, job, job action, job description, job interview, jobation, jobber, jobbernowl, jobbers, jobbery, jobbing, job-for-life, jobholder, job-hop, job-hopping, job-hunt, jobless, Joblock, jobmaster, jobs, jobseeker, jobsharing, job-sharing, jobsheet, jobsite, job-splitting, Job's-tears, job-work, JOC, Jocasta, Jocaste, Jocelyn, jochwinde, Jock, jock itch, jocker, jockette, jockey, jockey club, jockeyship, jocko, jockstrap, jock-strap, jockteleg, Joconde, jocose, jocosely, jocosity, jocu, jocular, jocularity, jocund, jocundity, jocundly, JOD, jodbasedow, jodfenphos, Jodhpur, jodhpurs, Jodie, jodinin, Jodo, jods, Jody, Joe, Joel, joey, Jofo, jog, jogged, jogger, jogging, joggle, joggled, joggle-piece, joggler, jogglework, joggling, Jogjakarta, jogtrot, jogynaite, johachidolite, Johanna, johannes, Johannesburg, Johannine, Johannisberger, johannite, johannsenite, Johansson, johimbine, john, John Adams, John Barleycorn, John Bull, John Doe, John Dory, John Hancock, John Henry, John Lennon, John of Gaunt, John Wayne, John-a-dreams, johnboat, Johnin, johnite, JOHNNIAC, Johnnie, johnny, Johnnycake, johnny-come-lately, johnny-jump-up, Johns, Johnson, Johnsonese, Johnsonian, Johnsoniana, Johnsons, Johnston, johnstonite, johnstonotite, Johnstown, johnstrupite, Johore, joie de vivre, join, join forces, join in, join the army, join up, joinable, joinase, joinder, joined-label-definition, joined-up, joiner, joinery, join-homomorphism, joining, joining-up, join-irreducible, joint, joint chiefs of staff, joint resolution, joint return, joint venture, jointbar, joint-box, joint-cutting, jointdynamometer, jointed, jointer, jointing, jointless, jointly, jointly-operate, joint-operation, jointpacking, joint-packing, jointress, joints, joint-stock, jointure, joint-ventures, jointweed, jointworm, joist, joisted, joists, jojoba, Jokari, joke, jokebook, joker, jokes, jokesmith, jokester, jokestress, jokey, jokiness, joking, jokingly, jokul, joky, jol, Jolene, Joliet, Joliot-Curie, joliotium, jolipeptin, jolle, jolley, jolleying, jollier, jollification, jollify, jollily, jolliness, jollity, jollo, jollop, jolly, jolly boat, Jolly Roger, jollying, jolly-up, Jolo, jolt, Jolt15G, jolter, jolterhead, jolter-head, jolthead, joltheaded, joltily, jolting, jolt-packed, jolt-packing, jolt-ram, jolts, jolt-squeeze, jolt-waggon, jolty, Jomon, Jon, Jonah, Jonah crab, Jonas, Jonathan, Jonathan Swift, Jones, Joneses, Jonesian, jongleur, joning, jonit, jonnick, jonnock, jonnop, jonquil, jonquile, Jonson, Jonsonian, jook, jooked, Joppeicidae, jor, joran, jordan, Jordan almond, jordan curve, Jordanian, Jordanian dinar, jordaning, jordanite, Jordanon, joria, jornada, joro, jorum, josamycin, joseite, josen, joseph, Joseph Conrad, Josephine, josephinite, Josette, josh, josher, Joshua, Joshua Tree, Josiah, Josias, Josie, joskin, joss, joss house, joss stick, josser, joss-stick, jostle, jostler, jostling, Josue, jot, jot down, jota, JOTS, jotted, jotter, jotting, jotun, Jotunheim, Jotunnheim, Jotunnheimr, joual, jougs, Jouhaux, jouk, joule, Joule-integral, joulemeter, joules, jounce, jouncy, jour., journal, journal bearing, journal box, journal-box, journalese, journaling, journalise, journalism, journalist, journalistic, journalize, journalizing, journals, journey, journeyman, journeys, journeywork, journo, joust, jousting, Jove, jovial, joviality, jovially, Jovian, Joviologist, jow, jowar, Jowett, jowl, jowled, jowling, jowly, joy, joy stick, joyance, joyancy, joybells, Joyce, Joyce Carol Oates, Joycean, joy-firing, joyful, joyfull, joyfully, joyhouse, joy-juice, joyless, joyo, joyous, joyously, joyousness, joypad, joypop, joypopper, joyride, joy-ride, joyrider, joystick, joyswitch, JP, JPA, JPC, JPEG, JPG, JPI, JPIA, JPL, JPMorgan, JPN, JPO, JPRS, JPS, JPT, JPW, JPY, Jr., JRC, Jrdensia, Jris, JRR, JRS, JSCB, JSD, JSME, JSP, JSR, JST, JSTL, JT, J-Teisai, JTM, J-tube, Ju, Juan, Juana, Juanita, Juarez, juba, Jubail, Jubal, jubate, jubbah, Jubbulpore, jube, juberous, jubilance, jubilancy, jubilant, jubilantly, jubilarian, jubilate, jubilation, jubilee, jubilize, Jucar, juccuya, jucerne, juche, jud, Judaea, Judaeo-, Judaeophil, Judaeophile, Judaeophobe, Judaeophobia, Judah, Judahite, Judaic, Judaica, Judaical, Judaise, Judaism, Judaist, Judaize, judas, Judas Iscariot, Judas Maccabaeus, Judas tree, Judd, judder, juddite, Jude, Judea, Judean, Judenhetze, Judenrat, Judenrein, judeo-christian, Judg., judge, judged, judge-made, judgematic, judgement, Judgement Day, judgemental, judger, Judges, judgesbox, judgeship, judgmatic, judgmatical, judgment, judgment by default, Judgment Day, judgment lien, judgmental, judicable, judicative, judicator, judicatory, judicature, judiciable, judicial, judicial decision, judicial proceeding, judicial review, judicial system, judicialize, judicially, judiciary, judicious, judiciously, Judith, judo, judogi, judoist, judoka, judoman, Judson, judy, Judy Garland, jug, juga, jugal, jugale, Jugatae, jugate, juge, jug-eared, Jugendstil, JUGFET, jugful, jugged, juggernaut, juggie, juggins, juggle, juggler, jugglers, jugglery, juggling, jug-handled, jughead, Juglandaceae, juglandaceous, Juglandales, juglandin, juglandoid, juglanin, juglans, juglansin, juglomycin, juglone, Jugoslav, Jugoslavia, Jugoslavian, jugula, jugular, jugular vein, jugulate, jugulation, jugulum, jugum, Jugurtha, juice, juiced, juicehead, juice-head, juicer, juicers, Juichin, juicily, juicing, juicy,


3G, 401(K), a,



You can't use an infinitive so this sentences is wrong.



Remember to use the infinitive after the person.



Super easy! Just use the infinitive without " to" . Easy!



And when we use do you fancy, we don't use the infinitive to go.

们说 do you fancy 时, to go。


The structure is subject, let, object, infinitive.



Most are followed by an infinitive verb.



Can you identify the split infinitive in that example?



First things first, what are gerunds and infinitives?


BBC 听力 2014年12月合集

'Can' is the base form of the verb, which is the infinitive without 'to'.



When an adjective is followed by a verb, its form is usually a full infinitive.


VOA 一起学英语(二级)

If plus past tense verb, would plus infinitive verb.



An infinitive is the base form of the verb.



So 'to get' — 'to bend', infinitive forms of verbs.

likely 后面接的都是 to get——to bend,动词的


How do infinitives modify these nouns?


How to 英语会话

'Call' and 'Use' are both base forms of the verb, which is the infinitive without 'to'.



But, here, this " to" is not part of the infinitive.


VOA Special 2022年1月合集

The word " to" shows that an infinitive verb will follow.

单词" to" 意味着后面会跟一个动词。


ADJECTUVAL INFINITIVES are infinitives that act like adjectives in a sentence.



They should never be conjugated into another form, including the infinitive.



It's quite common after " to" to have an infinitive verb.

To 后面跟动词是很常见的。



junior college, junior high school, junior school, juniorate, juniority, juniper, juniper berry, juniperin, Junius, junk, junk bond, junk food, junk shop, junked, junker, Junkerdom, Junkerism, junket, junketeer, junketing, junkie, junkies, junking, junkman, junky, junkyard, Juno, Junoesque, junta, junto,


3G, 401(K), a,
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