You couldn't get more geopolitically, industrially important to Moscow.
McGeehan said, " It’s well within the possibility that, in the coming years, we will see an industrially viable process to turn PET, and potentially other (plastics), back into their original building blocks so that they can be sustainably recycled" .
" 很有可能,在未来几里,我们能看到这在工业上也有可行性,也就是将PET和其他潜在(塑料)转化为原来基础材料,这样它们就能可持续地循环利用。"
For Siegel, " ultra-processed" is a helpful tool for showing new parents that " there's a huge difference between a cooked carrot and a bag of industrially produced, carrot-flavoured veggie puffs" aimed at toddlers, even if those veggie puffs are cynically marketed as " natural" .