As if everything Ove had said was nothing more than the inarticulate raving of a senile old man.
He was an inborn inarticulate and his voice was nearly inaudible.
Because an inarticulate memory is constantly in action.
Those words did not die inarticulate on your lips.
Ben squatted before it, moaning, a slow, inarticulate sound.
本蹲它面, 呻吟着,声音很慢,口齿不清。
I tell you, I'm really inarticulate about this stuff.
She broke continually into shouts of a wild, inarticulate, and sometimes piercing music.
If that's supposed to be formal high language, it sounds really inarticulate.
The young man heard and saw nothing; plunged in grief, he only uttered inarticulate cries.
There came a little, inarticulate sound from the boy. But Emma's quick ear caught it.
He's just... an inarticulate person who spills food on his shirt, a lot.
他只是...不善言辞 会把食物洒衬衫上。
Part of a very strong entity.However, extremely inarticulate in last life, due to an inability to synthesize gains in past lives.
一个非常强大存有一部分。然而,由于无法综合收获,他非常不 善于表达。
Generally at such times she did not think of anything, but lay immersed in an inarticulate well-being.
通常这种时候, 她什么也不想,只是沉浸一种难以言喻幸福中。
At sixteen he had lived almost entirely within himself, an inarticulate boy, thoroughly un-American, and politely bewildered by his contemporaries.
Then those that do get as far as an interview become inarticulate or clumsy when they try to talk about themselves.
But we do not comprehend their meaning yet, and the hidden echoes within us that would reply are struggling, inarticulate and dumb.
但我们还不理解它们含义, 而我们内心隐藏回声会挣扎、口齿不清、哑口无言。
But perhaps he was speaking now; there was a momentary hush of their noise, inarticulate as that of a troop of animals.
但也许他现正话; 他们声音瞬间安静下来, 像一群动物一样含混不清。
By nature grave and inarticulate, he admired recklessness and gaiety in others and was warmed to the marrow by friendly human intercourse.
他生性严肃, 口齿不清,欣赏别人鲁莽和快乐, 并被友好人际交往温暖到骨髓。
Betton's only answer was an inarticulate murmur of derision; then he pushed forward the letter with the imprint of the Dead Letter Office.
But human babies are not unique-at least when it comes to this sort of inarticulate articulation-because a new study shows that baby parrots also babble before they leave the nest.