He’s a real hustler.
Or it can look like hustlers capitalizing on a trend.
And I think that's what that kind of hustler mentality comes and I think we're definitely the hustler generation.
所以我发觉我们这一代人必须是赚快钱的一代.我们必须依靠自己去规划事情, 建立我们自己的事业, 决定我们想挣多少钱.
Last year Awkwafina played a hustler who teams up with several others to rob the Met Gala in Oceans Eight.
去年,奥卡菲娜在《瞒天过海:美人计》中扮演一个街头骗子,与其他几人合伙在Met Gala上盗取珠宝。
While the men were con-men, hustlers or drug addicts, the women were plump maids or prostitutes, Jezebels or Aunt Jemimas.
男性角色通常是些骗子、皮条客或瘾君子,而女人则是臃肿的女佣或失足女、毒妇或Aunt Jemimas这样的类型。
Mobile apps have also aided the more commercially minded side hustler.
Like, that person over there - we had hustlers.
I want to see some hustlers out here. Let's go.
把你们的骚劲使出 吧。
The hustlers can be intense and annoying -- or fun, depending on your approach.
- 骗子可能很紧张也很烦人——或者很有趣,这取决于你的方法。
Auditions, shoots, writing, meetings, calls, showering. Issa a LOT. I'm a hustler.
试镜、拍摄、写作、会议、电话、淋浴。 伊萨很多。 我是个骗子。
And you know, a couple of billionaires was there was like real hustlers.
Church people came, hustlers came, gangsters came, pimps came, the dope boys came.
Must have been full of hustlers.
It calculates that the average side hustler makes about 20% of their income through their second job.
它计算出平均约 20% 的副业收入自第二份工作。
Saweetie is a hustler, she's been an entrepreneur since seven, eight years old.
Saweetie 是一个创业者,她从七、八岁起就开始创业。
What is, " things Han says to a male hustler, " Alex.
I'm not in L.A. no more, so I'm not trying to appeal to the G's and the hustlers.
我不在洛杉矶,所以我不会试图吸引 G 和骗子。
Sky Masterson is a hustler who bets he can take a mission leader, Sarah Brown, on a date to Havana.
Sky Masterson 是一个骗子,他打赌他可以带任务负责人 Sarah Brown 去哈瓦那约会。
I think it depends what sort of vibe that you like, in London, it's a very busy lifestyle, it's like the hustler lifestyle.
Hustlers, cowboys, slave owners, and newly converted Mormons from England all passed through this busy port town on their journeys west.
He was a natural-born hustler, who at the age of 15 had lied his way into serving as a Red Cross ambulance driver during WW1.