On a nearby hillock, two designer Hay chairs are arranged for admiring the raw splendour of the sheer-sided peaks around Loweswater and Buttermere to the south.
在附近的一座小上, 摆放着两把设计师设计的 Hay 椅子, 用于欣赏南部 Loweswater 和 Buttermere 周围陡峭峰的原始壮丽景色。
They had walked into a patch of tents that were all covered with a thick growth of shamrocks, so that it looked as though small, oddly shaped hillocks had sprouted out of the earth.
In the minor valleys, between the hillocks which diversified the contour of the vale, the fresh young ferns were luxuriantly growing up, ultimately to reach a height of five or six feet.
To reach the light they had to leave the road, so they stumbled over hillocks and brushwood, hand in hand, keeping the tiny speck of light always in sight.
Descending the eastern slopes of the Coast Range through beds of gilias and lupines, and around many a breezy hillock and bush-crowned headland, I at length waded out into the midst of it.
In Crazy Ivar's country the grass was short and gray, the draws deeper than they were in the Bergsons' neighborhood, and the land was all broken up into hillocks and clay ridges.
在 Crazy Ivar 的国家里,又短又灰,地势比柏格森家附近的更深,土地全都被分成小丘和粘土土坎。
I remember something, too, of the green grave-mounds; and I have not forgotten, either, two figures of strangers straying amongst the low hillocks and reading the mementoes graven on the few mossy head-stones.
How much sweeter it would be to climb the enchanted hillocks of Tusculum with the hope of hearing Cicero discourse of virtue, under the firs and pines of his villa so dear to the philosopher!