In a matter of seconds, he butchers the haunch of the wildebeest, and they beat a hasty retreat.
Its haunches and tail are curled like a hook.
She sat on her haunches and stared at the wallet smiling.
He reined in so suddenly the horse went back on its haunches, pawing the air.
" Mutton, " muttered Mollander. He sounded none too pleased about it. " We shared a haunch of boiled mutton" .
" 羊肉," 莫兰德咕哝。听起来他不太满意。" 我们分食一块羊肉。"
" In the yard, with a haunch of mutton. I told the kennelmaster to see that he was fed" .
" 在院子里啃羊腿。我特地吩咐兽舍掌管准备的。"
The creature was too unwieldy to lift, so the hunter contented himself with cutting away one haunch and part of the flank.
1041--Mrs Nichols is ordering a haunch of pork. She expects him tomorrow.
Jack sat on his haunches beside Laura.
" No, I didn't fall; I threw myself back on my haunches" .
The fisherman and his wife squatted on their haunches and gave us vague directions.
渔夫和他的妻子蹲在他们的臀部上, 给我们模糊的方向。
First, one would take him on the haunch, then whip back into the sea over his tail and between his legs.
Mr bingley is returning to meetherfield missus nichols is ordering a haunch of pork she expects him to.
彬格莱先生要回到米瑟菲尔德, 尼科尔斯小姐正在点一大堆猪肉, 她希望他这样做。
The bowl of the dipper is the bear's haunches, and the handle is its tail.
Ser Hyle laughed. " Silver? For a night's bed and a haunch of horse? Do you mean to rob us, child" ?
" 银子?睡一晚上虱子床,外加一块马肉?你打劫啊,小妹妹?"
They sat on their haunches and looked at Laura in the window, and she looked at them.
他们坐在他们的臀部, 看着窗外的劳拉,她也看着他们。
She squatted on her haunches, looking ready to pounce right on top of the dog's broad black back.
" That's true, " said the cat, sitting on its haunches and lazily washing its face with one glass paw.
“那是真的, ” 猫说,坐在它的臀部上, 用一只玻璃爪子懒洋洋地洗脸。
The animals were thrown nearly back upon their haunches, and at this juncture a gentleman looked out of the window.
动物们几乎仰起身子, 在这个关头, 一位绅士朝窗外望去。
They lay there, one at the head of the zebra, two at the back, two at the side, and one on the haunches.