We are groping after the truth.
I had no reply to this. Obviously we were just groping blindly.
" Tactless! " she muttered, groping in her robes for a handkerchief.
" With Umbridge groping around in the fires and frisking all the owls? "
In it, Mr. Trump talked of groping women.
He said maybe he told bad jokes sometimes, but he categorically denied any groping or harassment.
This means that the gamut runs widely, from groping to the most savage rapes.
I got up several times. The Nautilus continued groping.
Oh, thanks. It was so fun.I saw you groping Kate Hudson.
谢谢 那晚很开心 我看你摸了凯特·哈德森的臀部。
His alleged victims accuse Ventura of groping and inappropriate touching.
She could feel his small hands groping through the folds for her legs.
She says he bought her son drinks in a bar in Boston before groping.
她表示事发地点在波士顿的一家酒吧 斯贝西给她儿子买了些饮料后就开始动手动脚。
“What a night, ” he mumbled, groping for the teapot as they all sat down around him.
The Shy Maid moved through the fog like a blind man groping his way down an unfamiliar hall.
" 含羞少女号" 在浓雾中穿行,好似盲人在陌生的大厅里摸索。
Aemon's hand crept across the blankets, groping for Sam's arm. " We must go to the docks, Sam" .
伊蒙的手在毯子上摸索,寻找山姆的胳膊。" 我们得去码头,山姆。"
He's charged with forcible touching, sex abuse and harassment for allegedly groping a woman at his home last October.
" Gold! " laughed Bellatrix, still attempting to throw off her brother-in-law, her free hand groping in her pocket for her wand.
It was filed today in Albany and accuses him of groping a woman at the governor's mansion last year.
He was still whistling, groping for some half-remembered tune.
他还在吹口哨, 摸索想听一些不太记得的曲子。
'It's as dark as the grave, ' said the man, groping forward a few steps.
Gino was now at the further end of the room, groping by the little tables.
吉诺现在在房间的另一端, 在小桌子旁摸索。