She groped blindly for the door handle.
She groped for the right word.
The aim of this work was to illuminate the difference of immunological reaction between intraspecific and interfamily pregnancy and to primarily grope for the possible reasons of i.
He groped for the door handle in the dark.
" I dunno..." Neville groped for Hermione's wrist.
“我不知道… … ”纳威索着握住赫敏的手腕。
Her hands blindly groped for the bars as she came back down.
George's fingers groped for the side of his head. “Saintlike, ” he murmured.
She could feel his small hands groping through the folds for her legs.
“What a night, ” he mumbled, groping for the teapot as they all sat down around him.
Aemon's hand crept across the blankets, groping for Sam's arm. " We must go to the docks, Sam" .
伊蒙的手在毯子上索,寻找山姆的胳膊。" 我们得去码头,山姆。"
The poet groped blindly for an emotion.
He was still whistling, groping for some half-remembered tune.
他还在吹口哨, 索着想听一些不太记得的曲子。
She hesitated, seeming to grope for words.
Driving snow, a wind that cut like a white-hot knife, and darkness had forced them to grope for a camping place.
大雪, 刺骨, 漆黑一片, 迫使他们瞎子似的索着寻找营地。
He groped for a handkerchief and used it gently on his nose.
他出一块手帕, 轻轻地擦在鼻子上。
She groped for her comb, and tried to fasten up the coil.
她索着梳子, 试图系紧发圈。
He groped for it wildly making strained sounds deep in his throat.
他疯狂地索着, 喉咙深处发出紧张的声音。
Ashamed and cold, I groped about for a match and lit the candles.
我又羞又冷, 索着寻找火柴, 点燃了蜡烛。
He gropes for a lamp, tries to turn it on, knocks it over instead.
他索着找到一盏灯, 试图打开它, 却把它打翻了。
They had reached her father's house, and she softly unfastened the door, groping about for a light within.
Archer's heart had slammed itself shut in the queer way it had, and he sat vainly groping for a word.
Then she realized how important this was and began groping for large stones herself, and handing them to the others.
Provis, regarding him with a fixed attention, was slowly putting up his jackknife, and groping in another pocket for something else.