The sentry guard dived into his foxhole and closely observed the stranger towards him.
Rockets everywhere. I jumped into a foxhole still holding my scissors and comb.
On July 2nd, he's going to wish he had a foxhole to crawl into.
等到了七月二日那天 他最好能找到散兵坑藏起来。
You may find yourself in a foxhole with me someday.
Chantelle says, " You may find yourself in a foxhole with me someday."
Yes, if the foxhole was lined with sandwiches.
对 如果那个散兵坑 是用三明治围起来话。
Pastor, they say there are no atheists in foxholes.
牧师 人们说散兵坑里没有无神论者。
We were in a foxhole. It was cold and snowing.
当时我们在战壕里, 天下着大雪,非常寒冷。
He would be down in the foxhole protecting all of us.
After my stroke, I was in a very, very deep, uh, foxhole.
我中风后 就已经在一个很深很深散兵坑里了。
Terry grabs it and he's out of the foxhole before Randy and me can even start to get unstuck.
特里抓住了它, 在兰迪和我还没来得及脱身之前, 他就从散兵坑里出来了。
Along the same lines, lighting three cigarettes from the same match really could cause bad luck if you were a soldier in a foxhole.
You want me to turn my back on the man that I've been in the foxhole with for the last ten years.
" Do I have to draw you a picture? Either that foxhole yarn of yours was all spaghetti or it happened somewhere else" .
“我必须给你画一幅画吗?要么你散兵坑线全是意大利面, 要么发生在其他地方” 。
Characters of this kind frequently pass through the Inn from a little foxhole of an alley at the back, but they never loiter there.
" You may find yourself" means you may be surprised to be in the same situation, in this case, to be in a foxhole.
“你可能会发现自己” 意味着你可能会惊讶地发现自己处于同样情况,在这种情况下, 是在散兵坑中。
A " foxhole" is a small hole in the ground that soldiers lie in and hide in for protection, when they are shooting at other people.
And this is where civilians tend to hide. In other areas where there are caves and crevasses, then civilians go to these areas. Unfortunately, even these foxholes and caves are not safe sometimes.”