The bird's breast is flecked with red.
Wildeve meanwhile had arrived on the former side, and the light from Yeobright's lamp shed a flecked and agitated radiance across the weir pool, revealing to the ex-engineer the tumbling courses of the currents from the hatches above.
The actor Margaret Qualley closed the show in a flawless ivory bridal gown, smiling broadly at the audience from beneath a veil flecked with pointillist embroidery, and tossed her bouquet into the audience as she left the catwalk.
演员玛格丽特·库利 (Margaret Qualley) 身着完美无瑕的象牙色新娘礼服结束了秀场,在点缀着点彩派刺绣斑点的纱下向观众微笑,并在离开秀场时向观众抛出她的花束。