The music describes the fisherfolk on a boat shake a oars and inebriety in the mountain and river.
" Highgarden sits above the Mander, " Cersei reminded him. " You and your vassals command a thousand leagues of coast. Are there no fisherfolk along your shores? Do you have no pleasure barges, no ferries, no river galleys, no skiffs" ?
" 曼德河自高庭城下流过," 瑟曦提醒对方," 而你们家的封土横亘上千里格的海岸线。海边没有吗?河上没有
" Ships, " Lord Wyman agreed, " but my crews are rivermen, or fisherfolk who have never sailed beyond the Bite. For this I must have a man who's sailed in darker waters and knows how to slip past dangers, unseen and unmolested" .
" 我有船," 威曼大人承认," 但船上的水手都是河,或是从未驶出咬人湾的