The angel told the evangelist's evangel to a gang of fanged gangling gangsters.
The Lizard roared at Peter-One, leaping forward, just as the Super Hero shoved the cure right into its fanged mouth.
Unable to turn his back on the fanged danger and go on, the bull would be driven into paroxysms of rage.
由于无法摆脱利齿威胁继续赶路, 那头雄鹿逼得大怒。
“Yeah, he's nipping off to the Chamber of Secrets for a cup of tea with his fanged servant, ” said George, chortling.
It is to Polidori and Stoker, and dozens of Victorian vampire tales, that we owe the fanged and stylish creature familiar to us today.
他使吸血鬼成为贵族, 并为布拉姆·斯托克78年后出版典小说《德古拉》铺平了道路.
He swam back to the big rock, climbed up, and dived into the blue pool among the fanged and angry boulders.
他游回到那块大岩石,爬了上去,跳进了四周全是又好像充满愤怒海岬中一潭蓝 水中。
How could Hagrid, even with his immense capacity to delude himself that fanged monsters were loveably harmless, fool himself that Grawp would ever be fit to mix with humans?