Miniature golf, a putting game on fancifully designed courses, became popular in the 1930s.Pitch and putt is a shorter version of the standard game.
After the Reagan era, though, popular shows tended to follow upscale professionals, or to look more like " Friends" or " Seinfeld, " portraying people who lived comfortably despite being vaguely or fancifully employed.
Eustacia went with her head thrown back fancifully, a certain glad and voluptuous air of triumph pervading her eyes at having won by her own unaided self a man who was her perfect complement in attainment, appearance, and age.
At first, as already told, she had flirted fancifully with her own image in a pool of water, beckoning the phantom forth, and—as it declined to venture—seeking a passage for herself into its sphere of impalpable earth and unattainable sky.
起初,正如已经说过的,她幻想自己在水池中的形象调情, 召唤幻影前来,并且——当它拒绝冒险时——为自己寻找一条进入它不可触摸的大地和高不可攀的天空的通道。