The superiority of coin above bullion would prevent the melting down of the coin, and would discourage its exportation.
硬币高于条优越性将防止硬币熔化, 并会阻碍出口。
In 1699, accordingly, the further exportation of corn was prohibited for nine months.
因此,在 1699 年,玉米进一步出口被禁止了九个月。
The exportation of English wool has been prohibited.
In the worst seasons they have always had a sufficiency for themselves, though less for exportation.
The second event was the bounty upon the exportation of corn, granted in 1688.
第二个事件是 1688 年授予玉米出口。
Bounties have even been given upon the exportation of some of them.
If taken out for exportation, to be duty-free; proper security being always given that they should be so exported.
如果带出境, 免税; 始终给予适当安全保障, 以便出口。
No bounty upon exportation, no monopoly of the home market, can raise that value.
没有出口奖励, 没有内市场垄断, 可以提高这个价值。
The exportation of the materials of manufacture, where it is not altogether prohibited, is, in many cases, subjected to considerable duties.
By some old statutes of Edward III, Henry VIII. and Edward VI. the exportation of all metals was prohibited.
The loss which Spain and Portugal could sustain by this exportation of their gold and silver, would be altogether nominal and imaginary.
That bounties upon exportation have been abused, to many fraudulent purposes, is very well known.
The exportation of unmanufactured brass, of what is called gun-metal, bell-metal, and shroff metal, still continues to be prohibited.
出口未加工黄铜, 即所谓炮铜、钟形属和 shroff 属, 仍然继续被禁止。
The bounty upon the exportation of corn necessarily operates exactly in the same way as this absurd policy of Spain and Portugal.
No bounty had ever been given before for the exportation of this grain, no more than for that of pease or beans.
以前从未对这种谷物出口给予任何, 对豌豆或大豆出口也不例外。
Without such exportation, a part of the productive labour of the country must cease, and the value of its annual produce diminish.
没有这种出口, 该一部分生性劳动就必须停止, 年价值就会减少。
This growing favour of exportation, and discouragement of importation, have suffered only a few exceptions, which chiefly concern the materials of some manufactures.
In other respects, their effects, it must be acknowledged, are the same as those of bounties upon exportation.
在他方面, 必须承认,它们效果与出口效果相同。
Bounties upon production, it has been said too, have been found by experience more liable to frauds than those upon exportation.
Upon the exportation of the greater part of commodities to other countries, half the old subsidy was drawn back.