Do you want us to help you export or yourself arrage Exportation?
Bounties have even been given upon the exportation of some of them.
The superiority of coin above bullion would prevent the melting down of the coin, and would discourage its exportation.
硬币高于金条的优越性将防止硬币熔化, 并会阻口。
The common people of Ireland, indeed, are said to have sometimes opposed with violence the exportation of their cattle.
In the worst seasons they have always had a sufficiency for themselves, though less for exportation.
The exportation of the materials of manufacture is sometimes discouraged by absolute prohibitions, and sometimes by high duties.
This illegal exportation is advantageous to nobody but the smuggler.
If taken out for exportation, to be duty-free; proper security being always given that they should be so exported.
如果带境, 免税; 始终给予适当的安全保障, 以便口。
The exportation of English wool has been prohibited.
It is altogether for the benefit of the producer, that bounties are granted upon the exportation of some of his productions.
The bounties upon the exportation of British made sail-cloth, and British made gunpowder, may, perhaps, both be vindicated upon this principle.
By some old statutes of Edward III, Henry VIII. and Edward VI. the exportation of all metals was prohibited.
18, the exportation of wool was made felony, and the exporter subjected to the same penalties and forfeitures as a felon.
No bounty upon exportation, no monopoly of the home market, can raise that value.
没有口奖励, 没有国内市场的垄断, 可以提高这个价值。
That which is employed in the trade of exportation has the least effect of any of the three.
Without such exportation, a part of the productive labour of the country must cease, and the value of its annual produce diminish.
没有这种口, 该国的一部分生产性劳动就必须停止, 年产品的价值就会减少。
The exportation of unmanufactured brass, of what is called gun-metal, bell-metal, and shroff metal, still continues to be prohibited.
口未加工的黄铜, 即所谓的炮铜、钟形金属和 shroff 金属, 仍然继续被禁止。
The second event was the bounty upon the exportation of corn, granted in 1688.
第二个事件是 1688 年授予的玉米口赏金。
When delivered out for exportation, to go duty-free, upon proper security being given, that they should really be exported out of the empire.
口时免税, 在给予适当的担保后, 它们应该真正口到帝国之外。
In 1699, accordingly, the further exportation of corn was prohibited for nine months.
因此,在 1699 年,玉米的进一步口被禁止了九个月。
This growing favour of exportation, and discouragement of importation, have suffered only a few exceptions, which chiefly concern the materials of some manufactures.