He's learning about the eightfold path of the economy, (Katie laughs) the noble truths that will bring us to soft landing.
Even demographics are working against the middle class family, as the odds of having a weak elderly parent - and all the attendant need for physical and financial assistance - have jumped eightfold in just one generation.
甚至口统计状况也对中产阶层家庭不,因为有一个体弱、年迈的父母——以及由此而产 生的所有物资和经济援助——就在仅仅一代的时间里增长了8倍。
More interesting was the fact that almost half of the molecules measured in blood also showed an association with the gut microbes, with microbial functions carried out by microbial teams showing eightfold more associations than individual species.
更有趣的是, 几乎一半在血液中测量的分子也显示出与肠道微生物的关联, 微生物团队执行的微生物功能显示出比单个物种多八倍的关联。