She looked thunderstruck when she saw his woebegone face in the shadows of the drapery.
The girl, dressed in embroidered draperies, holding the lyre stares at Orpheus's head in a melancholic way.
身穿绣花帷幔的少女拿着七弦琴,忧郁地盯着俄耳甫斯的脑袋 。
On both shoulders he wears an over-robe, and the folds of the drapery form thick rounded ridges and terraces.
Billy advanced and drew away the drapery which screened the alcove of the bow window.
Margaret stood right under the chandelier, quite silent and passive, while her aunt adjusted the draperies.
She inherited her mother's gift for devising drapery and costume.
She looked down at the tip of the little satin boot that peeped from her long draperies.
她低头看着小缎面靴子的尖头, 从她的窗帘中露出来。
Would he not court certain failure by thus enlarging the drapery trade beyond all reasonable bounds?
如此扩大布料贸易, 超出所有合理范围, 难道他不会招致一定的失败吗?
There had been no warning of footsteps, no announcement at all except a swish of drapery.
没有脚步声的警告, 除了窗帘的嗖嗖声之外根本没有任何通知。
More than five thousand drapery employees, dismissed like herself, were wandering about Paris in want of situations.
像她一样被解雇的五千多名窗帘店员工在巴黎四处游荡, 所从。
Most of these vanish a few hundred feet below the summit, changing to varied forms of cloud-like drapery.
其中大部分消失在山顶下方几百英尺处, 变成了各种形式的云状帷幕。
Wonderful rugs and draperies and ornaments were taken from the vans, many pictures, and books enough for a library.
The Baron reached beneath a drapery beside his suspensor bed, pressed a button to summon his older nephew, Rabban.
Chani followed, found herself in what had been a storeroom, its rock walls concealed now beneath heavy draperies.
She was born to Hugh E. Rodham, who managed a successful small business in drapery making, and Dorothy Howell Rodham, a full-time homemaker.
All the bare, ugly things which could be covered with draperies had been concealed and made to look quite pretty.
Here in his quarters, though, the ship's harsh metal was disguised with draperies, with fabric paddings and rare art objects.
The woman walking in front carried a white bundle in her arms, from one end of which hung a long appendage of drapery.
Bourras is convinced that Mouret simply wants to ruin him; for, in short, where's the rhyme between umbrellas and drapery?
Bourras 确信 Mouret 只是想毁了他; 因为,简而言之,雨伞和窗帘之间的韵律在哪里?
Another one of her symbolist pieces called Daughters of the Mist shows four female figures, dressed in beautiful drapery, surrounded by clouds and rainbows.