Since becoming one of its doyens, Mr Blumenthal has expressed his frustration with the term molecular gastronomy.
自从成为分子美食的元老级人物以来,布鲁门撒尔就表达了他对" 分子美食" 这个术语的不满。
In Tokyo for a show co-sponsored by a Japanese department store, the 88-year-old doyen of French fashion also said that it is now much harder for designers than when he first started in the business roughly 60 years ago.
皮尔·卡丹是在东京参由某日本百货商场共同赞助的时装秀时发表上述观点的。这位 88 岁的法国时装界元老还说,现在当个服装设计师要比他 60年前刚踏进这一行时难得多。