After political dissension split the company (1789), the pro-republican Talma established a rival troupe.
(Maida speaking in foreign language) - Maida Bilal led a group of women in a bridge blockade to stop construction machinery from accessing the Kruscica River where the government had approved a hydroelectric plant despite local protest and dissension.
(Maida 用外语发言)- Maida Bilal 带领一群妇女在桥梁封锁中阻止程机械进入 Kruscica 河,政府不顾当地的抗议和
Even when in 1906 President Roosevelt landed American troops in the island to quell a domestic dissension, they acquiesced in the action, evidently regarding it as a distinct warning that they should learn to manage their elections in an orderly manner.
即使在 1906 年罗斯福总统为平息国内纷争派美军登陆该岛时, 他们也默许了这一行动,显然将其视为一个明确的警告, 要求他们学会有序地管理选举。
'I do not pretend to understand these things, ' said Mrs. Sparsit, with dignity, 'my lot having been signally cast in a widely different sphere; and Mr. Sparsit, as a Powler, being also quite out of the pale of any such dissensions.