Yes, it is divided into several sections: overwear, light clothing, hosiery, swimwear, corsage and so on.
In one quick motion, he gave my wife the corsage, and wished us a Merry Christmas. The piano player began to beat out " Good King Wenceslaus, " beating the keys with magic hands, nodding his head in rhythm.
说着,他迅速地将那束鲜花塞到我妻子的手中,道了声" 圣诞快乐" ,便转身走出了餐馆。钢琴师急速地弹起了《好国王温西斯劳斯》舞曲,魔术般的指头敲击着琴键,头部和着乐曲的旅律频频点动。
Austin is dried flowers from a homecoming corsage in a bowl by the cordless phone, the washed-out bricks of the rec center where he tutored kids after school, a beer bummed off a stranger on the spill of the Barton Creek Greenbelt.