15.Unhampered by matrimony or widowhood, they made vast inroads on the convalescents, and even the least attractive girls, Scarlett observed gloomily, had no difficulty in getting engaged.
16.They have agreed that the quickest and safest fix for now is using so-called convalescent plasma therapy, taking blood from people who have recovered from the virus.
17.Every day I went to ask after her, without leaving my name or my card. I heard she was convalescent and had gone to Bagneres.
「the lady of the camilles 茶花女 小仲马 by Tom」评价该例句:好评差评指正
18.The young ladies of the town, who were not permitted to nurse for fear they would see sights unfit for virgin eyes, had the convalescent wards in their charge.
19.We ought to have three convalescents in our house this minute, like everybody else, and some of the soldiers out to dinner every Sunday. There, Scarlett, don't you fret.
20.He said, " Our hope is that the safety findings and possible efficacy signals could inform the body of knowledge about the use of convalescent plasma to modify the course of COVID-19."