Another, a disc-shaped being called Peytoia, looked almost comically like a pineapple slice.
People are always losing things in my novels, not always comically, but sometimes so.
The Hong family are already comically corrupt—both economically and morally.
His central work, 'The Dutch Proverbs, ' presents a comically disenchanted view of human nature.
在他主要画作《荷兰谚语》中, 很滑稽地展现了不要对人性有想。
Both were initially dismissed as almost comically unlikely to rise to rule their countries.
If you were asked to imagine a manager, you might well conjure up someone comically boring, desk-bound and monotonal.
Both it and I look comically out of place on a thoroughfare dripping with designer shops and high-end motors.
The response was almost comically as he had expected.
正如他所料, 他反应几乎是滑稽。
My mother, too, was an avid needlepointer in those years, undertaking almost comically ambitious projects-the Chagall windows, the Unicorn Tapestries.
It was comically large and it made his head look tiny.
它大得可笑, 他头看起来很小。
If not so comically small, he would indeed be a dreadful fellow.
如果不是小得可笑, 他确实是个可怕家伙。
" I know a lot of things, " replied the Scarecrow, winking at her comically.
“我知很多事情, ” 稻草人回答, 滑稽地朝她眨了眨眼。
Your new comically small hat isn't askew enough.
Mrs. Swancourt presented him half comically, and Knight in a minute or two placed himself beside the young lady.
斯旺考特夫人半滑稽地介绍了他, 一两分钟后, 奈特坐到这位年轻女士身边。
They looked comically large on me but it was heaven to have warm, dry feet.
But comically, there is a jagged humor to their predicament, which comes across in their language and movements.
但滑稽是, 他们困境中有一种参差不齐幽默,这体现在他们语言和动作中。
It's almost comically easy to get us to stop concentrating on anything serious, or even a tiny bit challenging.
我们停止专注于任何严肃事情,甚至是一点点挑战, 这几乎是滑稽。
An ordinary washing mangle, quite effective, of course, but I don't think I ever saw anything more comically dreadful.
一个普通洗涤剂, 当然非常有效, 但我认为我从未见过比这更滑稽可怕东西。
Along the way, he earned a reputation for being shrewd and pragmatic — but occasionally ruthless, and almost comically profane.
And there lay a pretty calf, a beauty, red-flanked like her mother, and comically bewildered at the miracle of coming into the world.
那里躺着一头漂亮小牛, 一个美人,像她妈妈一样红着屁股, 滑稽地对来到这个世界奇迹感到困惑。