Actin and myoglobulin are the compositions building muscles' stretching function. Microtubulin is the basic substance which provides the flagellum and cilium the function of movement.
The delicate hair-like cilia in the airways and lungs start recovering within weeks, and are restored after 9 months, improving resistance to infection.
As a result of having too much mucus and poorly functioning cilia, people with chronic bronchitis end up relying on coughing to get rid of their mucus plugs.
Smoking damages the cilia, making them less able to clear even the normal amount of mucus and secretions, let alone the increased volume associated with pneumonia.
The mucociliary escalator consists of mucus that traps invaders and tiny hairs called cilia that carry the mucus toward the mouth, where it can be coughed out.
Last year researchers found that hairlike cilia on this special bunch of cells began to beat in unison, pointing toward what will later become the left side.
Histologically, a prominent feature are their perivascular pseudorosettes, which are ring-like structures formed by tumors cells with rod-shaped ependymal processes, like cilia, surrounding a centralized blood vessel.
Researchers sequenced the Galapagos cormorant's genome to find out how its flightlessness evolved They found changes in the function of hair-like cellular structures called cilia.
Some of the only parts of the body whose motions aren't governed by the muscular system are sperm cells, the hair-like cilia in our airways, and certain white blood cells.