Cowan Bridge School was a school for the daughters of churchmen.
Cuthbert Tunstal was a rising churchman, chancellor to the Archbishop of Canterbury, who in that year (1515) was made Archdeacon of Chester, and in May of the next year (1516) Master of the Rolls.
卡斯伯特·图斯塔尔 (Cuthbert Tunstal) 是一位冉冉升起教士,坎特伯雷大主教大臣,在那一年 (1515) 被命为切斯特大执事,并于次年 (1516) 五月成为劳斯莱斯大师。
In the same class must be ranked, some both of the gravest and most important, and some of the most frivolous professions; churchmen, lawyers, physicians, men of letters of all kinds; players, buffoons, musicians, opera-singers, opera-dancers, etc.