He’s the one who brings home the bacon, not his wife.
The firm wants very much to get this contract, and we’re expecting you to bring home the bacon.
" I'm the provider. I bring home the bacon." Well, you know what? I contribute, too.
" 是养人,带了熏猪肉。" 你知道吗,也可以无私奉献。
Yeah, that's right. With me bringing home the bacon, Mitchell doesn't have to rush into anything.
" Bring home the bacon" , it doesn't mean bring home pork.
“把培根带” ,并不是说把猪肉带。
He know who bring home the bacon.
My husband has a good job. He makes enough money to support our family. So we say he brings home the bacon.
丈夫有份好工作,他挣足够多钱来养,所以说他挣钱养(brings home the bacon)。
But I doubt he would because most Washington politicians only care about bringing home the bacon so that they can get reelected.
但是觉得他会, 因为大部分华盛顿政客们只关心将培根带, 这样他们就可以再次当选。
She was to hatch the eggs, and he, in vulgar phrase, was to " bring home the bacon" .
她要孵蛋,而他,用通俗话来说, 就是“把培根带” 。
So, if you're bringing home the bacon, you're bringing the money to take care of the family, of the house, etc.
" bring home the bacon, " return home with the food that he has gone forth to seek; return home in victory.
They struggle to earn enough money to bring home the bacon -- it can be difficult to earn enough money for a family to survive.