The basic forms of jacket, vest, and breeches developed slowly.
He laced up his breeches. " Why not" ?
他系上带," 为什么?"
" Terrifying. I may well piss my breeches" .
" 真可怕,我想子了。"
" Give me a crossbow and pull down your breeches, and I'll show you" . Gladly.
" 你想知道吗?先给我把十字弓,再把子脱掉,我就表演给你看。" 乐意之至呢。
The largest security breech in Facebook history.
Facebook 历史上最大的洞。
Began taking off his breeches, and then a looker-on gave him a trifle for his pluck.
It was a c-section. Taylor was breech.
是剖腹产 泰勒是臀位。
" Ah, don't piss your breeches, Armen. I was proposing a drink, not a rebellion" .
" ,子了,阿曼?行了,我只是建议咱们多喝杯酒,又不是要起兵造反。"
She cropped her long hair and began wearing breeches, boots, and an oil-stained leather jacket.
" I see you have been defacing more good parchment, Yollo" . Haldon laced up his breeches.
" 你又在浪费上好的羊皮纸了,耶罗," 哈尔顿边系子边说。
They were previous incidences where they had to issue apologies for breeches in the past.
He patted the breech of his rifle with a leathery hand.
。 他用坚韧的手拍了拍步枪的后膛。
I got to see one breech delivery.
I should put on boots and breeches, then.
And when that debris was cleared there was a big concern that the wall would breech, would flood lower Manhattan.
I turned the gun and looked into the breech.
我转动枪, 看着后膛。
He was splendid, in his smart top boots and his white breeches, when he played polo.
当他打马球时, 他穿着漂亮的高筒靴和白色马, 非常出色。
I remember they made me laugh uncommonly — there's a droll bit about a postilion's breeches.
你知道的。 我记得他们让我发笑——关于 postilion 的马有点滑稽。
The delivery was traumatic for Agrippina as it was a breech birth.
Grandet seized the coin and slipped it into his breeches' pocket.
It can induce labor, and my baby is breech.
压力会诱导分娩 我的宝宝是臀位。