Surprising because it means that each of these big flightless birds-the elephant bird group included-seemed to take its own winding path to flightlessness and bigness.
科学快报-科学国人Science Quickly, from SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN
Lichtman: Surprising because it means each of these big flightless birds—the elephant bird group included—seemed to take its own winding path to flightlessness and bigness.
Farmers make bigger, meatier turkeys by crossing the biggest, meatiest turkeys in each generation to amplify the gene variants for bigness and meatiness...but this only works to a point.
Farmers make bigger, meatier turkeys by crossing the biggest, meatiest turkeys in each generation to amplify the gene variants for bigness and meatiness… but this only works to a point.
When you have, James, all this bigness, all these special effects, some of us will get a chance in certain places around the country to see this in 3D.
詹姆斯, 当你拥有所有这些、所有这些特殊效果时,我们中的一些人将有机会在全国某些地方看到 3D 效果。
It was twenty feet square, placed in the middle of the room. The superfices was composed of several bits of wood, about the bigness of a die, but some larger than others.
For one thing, he wasn't used to his new quarters — hated their bigness and formality; then the requests to show his things drove him mad. " The women — oh, the women" !
At times, it seemed as if for every one of the hundred blossoms there was one of these tiniest fowls of the air, —a thumb's bigness of burnished plumage, hovering and vibrating about the bean-poles.