To study tissue distribution of TTV in experimentally infected Rhesus monkey and if the TT virus is hepatotropic.
I almost don't feel I am wearing it, so, I wear the collaret and play my gift sent by TT. The little mouse toy.
When we release, you can feel a little burst of air, tt, tt, tap. Tap. Release right into the AA vowel.
当你松开,感受到气流的爆破,tt, tt, tap. Tap。松开之后紧接着发AA元音。
Tap begins with a True T: The teeth are together, the tongue is at roof of the mouth, tt, tt.
上下齿咬住,舌头顶住上颚,tt, tt。
The first T is a True T, Twi-, tt, tt.
第一个 T 是 True T, Twi-, tt, tt。
Just Alex— just, tt, tt, just Alex.
只是 Alex——只是,tt,tt,只是 Alex。
Or, you can make a True T, important, tt, tt.
或者,您制作一个 True T,important,tt,tt。
The Swedish news agency TT reported his comments.
The teeth come together, the front top part of the tongue goes to the roof of the mouth, " tt" .
When the HR coordinator, Burton “TT Showbiz” Guster, offers you a $5000 signing bonus, you bond over your shared Super Sniffer abilities.
当人力资源协调员伯顿·“TT Showbiz”·古斯特给你5000美元的金,你就会被你们共享的超级嗅探能力所吸引。
We don't usually release it: tt-- if it comes at the end of a thought group, or if the next word begins with a consonant.
我们通常不会释放它:tt-- 如果它出现在一个思想组的末尾,或者如果下一个单词辅音开头。
Just like 'time', it's a one-syllable stressed word that begins with a True T, tt, AY, then the AY diphthong, and the K sound.
就像'time'一样, 它是一个单音节重读词, True T,tt,AY开头,然后是AY双元音, 然后是K音。
And then instead of me walking it all the way around. I would say 1 SOT guy Sakai hey scoring is easy TT DJ oh yes good.
Those were both stop Ts, bit, where we don't, tt, make the final release, but just cut off the air for an abrupt stop.
那些都是停止 Ts, bit, 我们不, tt, 制作最终版本,但只是切断空气突然停止。
Now the teeth come together to make the True T. This is a True T sound, because the second syllable has secondary stress. YouTube. Tt, tt.
This word begins with a TR cluster and sometimes you'll hear that pronounced as a CHR instead, so it can be traditional, tt- with a T, or traditional, ch- with a CH.
这个词 TR 群开头,有你会听到它的发音是 CHR,所它这样发音,带 T 的 tt-,或传统的,带 CH 的 ch-。