There he met the famous Shoshone chieftain Washakie.
A Shoshone guide helped the explorers cross the high mountains.
It's known as the Niagara of the West, Shoshone Falls.
How would they trade for horses without their Shoshone translator?
如果没有们语翻译, 们将如何交易马匹?
Like all Shoshone girls, Sacagawea was promised to an older man.
像所有松女孩一样, 萨卡加维亚被许配给了一个年长男人。
The explorers would need someone who could speak to the Shoshone.
She could speak Shoshone, he told them.
她会说语, 告诉们。
Sacagawea and the explorers spent several days with the Shoshone.
萨卡加维亚 (Sacagawea) 和探险家们在 (Shoshone) 人身边度过了几天。
The three Shoshone agreed to take Captain Lewis and his men to their village.
They were on their way when 60 Shoshone warriors appeared on horses.
当 60 名松战士骑马出现时, 们正在路上。
A Shoshone woman was with them, Lewis said.
That was because they went from English to French to Minnetaree to Shoshone.
那是因为们从英语到法语, 再到 Minnetaree, 再到 Shoshone。
They also found two valuable new recruits for their team, a French trapper named Touissant Charbonneau and his Shoshone wife, Sacagawea.
们还为们团队找到了两名有价值新成员,一位名叫 Touissant Charbonneau 法国猎人和族妻子 Sacagawea。
When they reached a rock known as the Beaver's Head, she was sure that the Shoshone must be nearby.
The chief's answers went from Shoshone to Minnetaree to French and back to English.
酋长回答从语到明塔里语, 再到法语,再回到英语。
The explorers were still among the Shoshone when Bird Woman overheard something shocking.
当鸟女无意中听到令人震惊事情时, 探险者还在松人中间。
Together, the Indians and the explorers headed toward the Shoshone village.
They had counted on getting horses and guides from the Shoshone.
The person who suggested it originally claimed it was a Shoshone word meaning 'gem of the mountain, ' but then later said that they had made the word up.
On the morning of August 13, 1805, Lewis and his three men spotted two Shoshone women and a girl.
1805 年 8 月 13 日早上, 刘易斯和三个手下发现了两名松妇女和一名女孩。
Lewis and Clark decided to work with a French trapper who was actually married to an Indian woman who spoke her native Shoshone language.