Lower Perak Buddhist Association, Malaysia (PBHP) conducted a Buddhist wedding registration cweremony on 20.09.2009 for 21 couples at the Dhammachakka Hall.... ipohteh pbhp...
A hundred-year-old Buddhist monastery in Malaysia's northwestern region of Perak faces demolition after the cement company that owns the land won, on appeal, the right to force the monks out.
They stepped into the canoe; the little girl-daughter came with them; and the Man took his kris—a curving, wavy dagger with a blade like a flame, —and they pushed out on the Perak river.
'Look! ' said the Man, and as he spoke the great Sea came up the mouth of the Perak river, driving the river backwards till it overflowed all the dark forests for miles and miles, and flooded the Man's house.