Lordy! Whatever happened?.
" Lordy, I hate to think what nineteen must be, " she told herself, and unclasped her bag. Out came the first aid to the travel-stained — a jar of cold cream. It was followed by powder, chamois, brush, comb, tooth-brush.
" Maybe he's a little squire, " Hot Pie put in. His mother had been a baker before she died, and he'd pushed her cart through the streets all day, shouting " Hot pies! Hot pies" ! " Some lordy lord's little squire boy, that's it" .
" 说不定他是个小侍从哟," 热派插上句。他母亲生前是个面包师,从前他就成天拉着她的手推车,沿街叫卖" 热派啊热派!热腾腾的派啊!" ," 是不是哪家老爷的小跟班啊?"