Pottery inscribed with ink is called ostracon. This ostracon was found in the oldest Judean city unearthed to date. Archaeologists say the city is near what David killed Goliath.
American scholar of the historical Jesus, Paula Fredriksen, added that early Christianity only started to pay attention to the Judean Bethlehem in the fourth century, when the Emperor Constantine declared Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire.
美国研究耶稣历史的学者保拉·弗雷德里克森补充说, 早期基督教直到公元四世纪才开始关注伯利恒,当时君士坦丁大帝宣布基督教为罗马帝国的国教。
To modern eyes as well the Judean campaign appears brutal and shocking in its destruction and Titus as a chaotic commander in the devastation he wrought on Jerusalem or as a savage military leader with a disregard for human life.