Being rich in DHA, linoleic acid and sinkaline, Vyou Baby Formula Milk Powder is beneficial to brain development of baby.
I've recently been keen on maximizing the DHA content in my diet.
最近热衷于在的饮食中最大化 DHA 的含量。
Now, mussels are very high in EPA and DHA, they're similar to canned tuna.
的EPA和DHA含量非常高, 和鲔鱼罐头相似。
I think the main one that I would encourage people to investigate is omega-3, DHA specifically.
想主要会鼓励人们摄入 omega-3,特别是 DHA。
They also are omega-3 rich, a great source for EPA and DHA. So that is a potential.
它也富含ω-3不饱和脂肪酸,是EPA和DHA的良好来源, 所以这是个优点。
It doesn't have the EPA and DHA omega-3s that we all think are going to make us live forever.
它没有 EPA,DHA 这些ω-3不饱和脂肪酸, 这些们觉得吃了可以长生不老的东西。
" Okay lah, you take Omega DHA! "
“好吧,你服用欧米茄 DHA!”
So, I go up to her and I explain the problem, EPA and DHA.
所以,走近她并解释了问题,EPA 和 DHA。