Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is begging Canadians to forgive him after images surfaced of him dressing in brown-face, including a yearbook photo of him at a 2001 Arabian Nights Costume Party.
The movie Aladdin takes inspiration from the famous collection of tales, One Thousand and One Nights or, as more commonly known in the West as The Arabian Nights.
The event that sparked Arabian Nights into a modern European phenomenon was its translation by the French author Antoine Galland into French from a 15th century Arabic manuscript.
The Folio Society publishes beautiful editions of a range of such books, from The Arabian Nights to As I Lay Dying to Midnight's Children, all accompanied by new illustrations from contemporary artists.
Folio Society 出版了系列此类书籍精美版本,从《千零夜》到《我弥留之际》再到《午夜之子》, 所有这些书籍都附有当代艺术家新插图。
The original tale of Aladdin first was first published in 1710 in a compilation of stories called 1001 Arabian nights, a series of folk tales translated into French by notable " orientalist" Antoine Galland.
While a many of the works were quite famous Arabic stories, a few of the tales such as Sinbad the sailor and Aladdin were curiously never heard of until 1001 Arabian Nights was published.
Glancing at the bookcases, I thought I could distinguish the two volumes of Bewick’s British Birds occupying their old place on the third shelf, and Gulliver’s Travels and the Arabian Nights ranged just above.
When I can, I shall bring my young man to stand side by side with your young woman, just as the genie in the Arabian Nights brought Prince Caralmazan to match with the fairy's Princess Badoura'.
It is true that any other business scheme, however magnificent, would have had but small attraction for her or for the schoolroom; but " diamond mines" sounded so like the Arabian Nights that no one could be indifferent.
Their distraught imaginations conjured up a sort of supernatural being rather than a man, a sort of genie out of the Arabian Nights, one of those Hindu gods who symbolize all that is ferocious, cruel, sanguinary and pernicious.