English: 288.Over the last few decades it has been a common practice to view the atmosphere from a zonally averaged perspective.
中文: 在过去几十年中,从纬向平均研究大气是通常做法。
English: 288.Over the last few decades it has been a common practice to view the atmosphere from a zonally averaged perspective.
中文: 在过去几十年中,从纬向平均研究大气是通常做法。
Si enim data essetlex, quæ posset vivincáre, ver ex lege esset justítia Sed conclúsit Scriptúra ómnia sub peccáto, ut promíssio ex fide Jesu Christi darétur credéntibus.
Elisenda, con el espinazo torcido de tanto barrer basura de feria, tuvo entonces la buena idea de tapiar el patio y cobrar cinco centavos por la entrada para ver al ángel.