This abdominal CT scan with contrast demonstrates right hydronephrosis and hydroureter as a consequence of ureteral obstruction.
This abdominal CT scan with contrast demonstrates right hydronephrosis and hydroureter as a consequence of ureteral obstruction.
Ureterolithotomy or ureterocystoscope with holmium revealed that adhesive ureterostenosis in 6, inflammatory ureteral polyp in 4, encapsulation of the calculi by granulation tissue in 2.
Ureterolithotomy is thy best way for upper segment ureteral calculi and ureterocystoscope with holmium is the hest way for middle or lower segment ureteral calculi when ESWL fails.
To define the optimal methods of diagnosis of ureteral injury from blunt abdominal trauma, the intravenous urography and retrograde pyelograph were used for the earlier diagnosis of ureteral injury.