Definition: Oyster Shell is the shell of Ostrea gigas Thunberg, Ostrea talienwhanensis Crosse or Ostrea rivularis Gould (Fam.Osteridae).
本品牡蛎科动物长牡蛎 Ostrea gigas Thunberg、大连湾牡蛎 Ostrea talie nwhanensis Crosse 或近江牡蛎 Ostrea rivularis Gould的贝壳。
Definition: Oyster Shell is the shell of Ostrea gigas Thunberg, Ostrea talienwhanensis Crosse or Ostrea rivularis Gould (Fam.Osteridae).
本品牡蛎科动物长牡蛎 Ostrea gigas Thunberg、大连湾牡蛎 Ostrea talie nwhanensis Crosse 或近江牡蛎 Ostrea rivularis Gould的贝壳。