They were named by a largely unrecognized neurologist and gerontologist with expertise in clinico-pathological examination Max Durand-Fardel (Fig. 1.1).
一位不太出名的神经科及老年病医生Max Durand-Fardel在临床病理检查很有经验,对这些病变进行了命名。
They were named by a largely unrecognized neurologist and gerontologist with expertise in clinico-pathological examination Max Durand-Fardel (Fig. 1.1).
一位不太出名的神经科及老年病医生Max Durand-Fardel在临床病理检查很有经验,对这些病变进行了命名。
Sore throats, backaches, headaches and bronchitis do not need to be treated by a separate ENT, orthopedist, neurologist and pulmonologist, unless the internist fails to make the symptoms better.