Rinseng fruits and mangos are planted on both sides of the routeway.In the center of the park, there is a 700 square meters' round-shaped rose bush where stands an over 10-meter-high kittul tree.
林通道两边则种有人参果和芒果,心花圃一棵高达 10 余米 “盆架 ”央 700 平方米 的圆型玫瑰丛。
Rinseng fruits and mangos are planted on both sides of the routeway.In the center of the park, there is a 700 square meters' round-shaped rose bush where stands an over 10-meter-high kittul tree.
林通道两边则种有人参果和芒果,心花圃一棵高达 10 余米 “盆架 ”央 700 平方米 的圆型玫瑰丛。