In lamina of shale which deposited in deep lake away from paleo-debouchment in the Shahejie Formation in the Jiyang Depression, some aeolian silty sand was discovered.
该油页岩呈深灰色或棕褐色 ,页理发育 ,主要由富含有机质纹层和浅灰色钙质纹层成的毫米级沉积层偶组成。
In lamina of shale which deposited in deep lake away from paleo-debouchment in the Shahejie Formation in the Jiyang Depression, some aeolian silty sand was discovered.
该油页岩呈深灰色或棕褐色 ,页理发育 ,主要由富含有机质纹层和浅灰色钙质纹层成的毫米级沉积层偶组成。