excess production of collagen by the liver.
excess production of collagen by the liver.
the paste contains collagen suspended in a salt solution.
The collagen type Ⅲ formed ring-like structures apparently representative of fibriform collagen immediately adjacent to the epithelial basement membrane.
The compound in shape-layer formed in precess of loaded-calcium collagen assemble and calcium phosphate mineral compliably in reaction system.
Objective: To evaluate the experession of Collagen type IV in hydronephrotic kidneys and its clinical implications.
Objective :Type I collagen was extracted and purifiedfrombovine tendon,then made to base matrix scaf-fold of artificail bone .
Scurvy (N.Lat. scorbutus) is a deficiency disease that results from lack of vitamin C, which is required for correct collagen synthesis in humans.
stimulate the collagen somatocyte in the burned surface and operation cut to synthesize fiber cells, and simulate macrophage cleavage which push the wound healing;
Ingestion of these fibers by macrophages sets off a fibrogenic response via release of growth factors that promote collagen deposition by fibroblasts.
Fig.10 Comparison of Aa% of collagen in different circumferential direction of aortic arch(section A),stained with Anilin Blue,10A,superior wall; 10B,inferior wall ×4
Histological analysis demonstrated that a qualitatively greater amount of granulation tissue, regular collagen fiber and a lot of fibrillated cells were observed in experimental group.
Abstract Guided Tissue Regeneration using collagen membrane was investigated by tetracycline fluorchrome labelling,which showed the dynamics of new alevolar bone and cementum formation.
Medene collagen crystal eye angel mask have the character of breathing freely, keeping wet, well-merged with the biology, its potential involucra structure can deposited many more special substances.
Methods 34 cases of normal human ligamenta flava were determined by salt precipitation , the collagen samples were analyzed by SDS - PAGE.
The superficial layer of compact collagen fibres directly attached to and wraped up nasalis transversus and procerus,and it was named the nasalis-procerus aponeurosis;
Objective: To study the preliminary clinical application of serum pyridinoline cross-linked carboxy-terminal telopeptide of type I collagen(ICTP) detection in patients with rheumatoid arthritis(RA).
Ingestion of these fibers by macrophages sets off a fibrogenic response via release of growth factors that promote collagen deposition by fibroblasts.
Methods 34 cases of normal human ligamenta flava were determined by salt precipitation , the collagen samples were analyzed by SDS - PAGE.
Scurvy (N.Lat. scorbutus) is a deficiency disease that results from lack of vitamin C, which is required for correct collagen synthesis in humans.
Abstract Guided Tissue Regeneration using collagen membrane was investigated by tetracycline fluorchrome labelling,which showed the dynamics of new alevolar bone and cementum formation.
Medene collagen crystal eye angel mask have the character of breathing freely, keeping wet, well-merged with the biology, its potential involucra structure can deposited many more special substances.