By refusing to play pop music this new radio station is signing its own death warrant.
It'll be like signing a death warrant.
“Talk about signing your own death warrant.”
Please Gods, in some tellings, the emperor was so angry, he signed Cixi's death warrant.
I would be signing your death warrant.
Wouldn't that kind of be signing their own death warrant?
Elizabeth had previously been asked twice to sign Mary's death warrant and had refused but, on February 1,1587, Elizabeth signed it.
伊前曾两次要求签署死刑令,但伊拒绝了,不过在 1587 年 2 月 1 日,伊签署了。
She read Anne's death warrant by consumption in it unless it was scrupulously obeyed.
On his death warrant, one of the 59 commissioners' signatures was that of Oliver Cromwell.
在他死刑令上,59 位委员签名之一是奥利弗·克伦威尔 (Oliver Cromwell)。
The queen had no second thoughts about signing the death warrant.
You signed his death warrant and that's all you got?
是你害死了他 光道歉就行了吗?
59 men signed Charles' death warrant, the 59 regicides as they would become known to history.
59 个人签署了查尔斯死刑令,这 59 名弑君者将载入史册。
To delay even a second in argument would have sealed the death warrants of them both.
Although Elizabeth had no love for her cousin, she did not want to sign the death warrant.
虽然伊对她表妹没有感情, 但她也不想签署死刑令。
The noise of the engine which the man had been waiting for, and which had signed the scorpion's death warrant, was louder.
" She meant to do me such a good turn—Chris. Irony, isn't it? That her gift should be practically my death warrant" .
“她本来是想帮我忙——克里斯。很讽刺,不是吗?她礼物实际上应该是我死刑执行令” 。
We cut Chrysler off now and we might as well be signing a death warrant for every spot you see on the map.
Charles initially refused to sign his death warrant, but did so on the 10th of May after claiming that he felt his position and his family were now threatened by parliament.
查尔斯最初拒绝签署死刑令,但在声称他感到自己地位和家人现在受到议会威胁后, 于 5 月 10 日签署了死刑令。