This is a matter of no account.
We must on no account view problems superficially and in isolation.
His past achievements were of no account when it came to competing with the younger men.
Press scale of active finance income, take no account of regular pay, acquittance rural debt needs 9 years.
On no account (should you) try to fix the heater yourself. All repairs should be done by a trained engineer.
切勿自己修加热器, 一切修理专业技师负责。
They will not reply to your Email, your fax and if you call them is no account dept. or manager,dealing desk or anything,just a fantom.
小弟我,最近也在国外开设外汇交易平台代理公司, 对这一切也非常清楚,希望能与大家共享经验!
" Their trifling fleets are of no account" .
" 们那点船微不足道。"
But on no account must you speak to him. Is that understood? '
No, this this account. Mr Kang Can this this account?
不 这个这个账户 康先生这个账能算吗?
It was a flower with three petals, a flower of no account at all.
You make no account of feminine curiosity. Do you think she could resist?
One of the drawbacks of the Big Mac index is that it takes no account of labour costs.
But he took no account of how Columbus' route would have been affected by constant ocean currents and winds.
Then on no account let me detain you.
On no account must you disturb me.
A walk round the Walls should on no account be omitted.
'Cause we both felt no account and were afraid people'd find it out.
因我们都觉得没有责任, 害怕人们会发现。
On no account should you swim with the tide.
As she grew up, her father was of no account to her.
On no account give him more.
He wasn't accustomed at first, but he would on no account lose confidence.
He ain't no account; but then he hain't ever done anything to hurt anybody.
His past life, he said, was of " no account, " but the future was promising.
说,过去的生活“无足轻重” ,但来充满希望。
Aunt Penniman, however, took no account of it; she spoke even with a touch of acrimony.
然而,彭尼曼姨妈不在意。 她说话时甚至带着一丝尖酸刻薄。
First she tried Perugia for an inspiration, then she came here—this must on no account get round.
她先到佩鲁贾寻找灵感, 然后来到这里——这决不能传开。
Are we to take no account of this, and plunge them implacably into the truth that kills them?
难道我们不考虑这一点, 让们无情地投入杀死们的真相中吗?