Locking mechanism of dumping body tailboard is one of the key problems in designing dump trucks.
'Cause he needed help dumping Rebecca's body.
There's been a body dump, side of Highway 9.
As if that wasn't bad enough, they drugged him and dumped his body in the middle of the desert.
This was Spencer and Mitchell dumping the body.
He was doing liquid " G" with an escort when she passed out, so he dumped her body outside the apartment.
He dumped her body into the sea.
They just dumped laura clemensen's body 24 hours ago.
24小时前他们刚刚 丢弃Laura Clemensen的尸体。
Ajax is dead. We've gotta dump the bodies.
艾杰克斯死了 我们得掉尸体。
This is not someone who is rushing to kill and dump a body.
Why didn't they dump katie's body on the other side of town?
It seemed that Freeman had killed the man, and dumped the body in the lake.
It's funny--he always dumps the bodies in this battlefield, no matter what the risk.
有趣 他总是弃尸战场 也不管是否冒风险。
He found a new place to dump the body.
What that was, was people in the dark pretending to be the pair that dumped the body.
那是什么, 是暗中的人冒充了倾尸的那对。
This guy's dumping bodies between 7: 30 and 8: 00. That gives us...
30到8: 00之间抛尸。
Yusupov and his accomplices pursued him, finally killing Rasputin with a bullet to the forehead and dumping his body in the Malaya Nevka river.
Some of them bound Krewl with ropes and dragged him forward, dumping his body on the ground before the Scarecrow's throne.
他们中的些人用绳子捆住克鲁尔, 把他往前拖, 把他的尸体倒稻草人宝座前的地上。
The looter, Bogdanos says: Had actually dumped the body, the mummy, into the Nile, because it was easier to transport out of Egypt.
And it was here, in 1718, where he met his fate-- when a Royal Navy captain lured Blackbeard into an ambush, cut off his head, and dumped his body into the sound.
1718 年,正是这里,他遇到了自己的命运——位皇家海军上尉将黑胡子引诱到伏击中,砍下了他的头,然后将他的尸体扔进了海峡。